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Abbreviations: CXL: Corneal
Collagen Cross-Linking; SCXL: Standard CXL (intensity 3 mW/cm2);
ACXL: Accelerated CXL (intensity 9 to 45 mW/cm2), BRL: Bunsen–Roscoe
Reciprocal Law; CCM: Riboflavin (Rf) Concentration-Controlled Method
Corneal collages cross-linking (CXL) is a
technology using riboflavin solution as the photosensitizer activated by a UVA
light (at 365 nm) to change the biomechanical properties of the corneal stroma.
CXL has been used clinically for various corneal conditions such as
keratoconus, keratitis, corneal ectasia and corneal ulcers. It has also been
used to preventively treat thin corneas, which carry a higher risk of ectasia
after LASIK vision correction. Other potential applications include the reduction
of postoperative regression in vision correction and scleral treatment in
malignant myopia, scleromalacia and low tension glaucoma. The first animal data
was reported by Wollensak in 2003 for the treatment of keratoconus [1].
Extensive review of CXL has been covered in detail in a recent book edited by
Hafezi and Randleman [2], This Editorial Review will first address the current
controversial issues with comments and resolutions. Then it will summarize the
principles/formulas of and define the key parameters influencing the efficacy
of CXL.
The controversial issues to be discussed
Safety criteria (and the minimum corneal thickness)
Dynamic profiles and depletion of riboflavin
Validation of Bunsen Roscoe law (BRL)
Intensity cutoff maximum
The role of oxygen and pulsed mode
CXL efficacy (type-I and type-II)
Dresden vs. Modern protocols
Controversial Issues
Safety criteria
profiles and depletion of RF
Conventional modeling [4,5] assumed a
constant RF concentration during the crosslink, which is true only under the
so-called Dresden protocol [1,2], in which the RF is constantly re-supplied to
compensate its depletion. However, it also reduced the available effective dose
to approximately about 70% to 80% of the applied dose 5.4 J/cm2. The
constant-RF also underestimated the UV light intensity, which in general, is an
increasing function of time (when RF depletion is accurately included), given
by [6,7] I(z,t)=I0exp[-A(z,t)] with A(z,t) is a decreasing function
of time when C(z,t) is depleted, given by A(z,t)= 2.3[(a-b)C(z,t)G(z)+bC0]+Q,
where a,b and Q are, respectively, the absorption constant of RF, photolysis
product and stroma (without RF); G(z)=1-0.25z/D; and F(z)=1-0.5z/D is the initial RF distribution
defined by a diffusion constant (D) [6].
The UV light intensity increases from its
initial value I(z,t)=I0exp[-A1z] to steady-state vale
given by I(z,t)=I0exp[-A2z], with A1= 2.3aC0+Q,
A2=2.3bC0+Q. For C0=0.1%, a=204 (1/cm/%),
b=50(1/cm/%), and Q=32 (/cm), we obtain A1 =79 (1/cm), and A2
=43.5 (1/cm), with an averaged value of 61 (1/cm), which are much larger than
the RF-constant model with a value of 42.5 (1/cm). If one assumes Q=b=0, then A=46.9
(1/cm), which is smaller than our averaged value of 61 (1/cm). Numerical
simulation of Lin and Cheng [8], also showed another fit A=2.3[mbC0
+ Q], with m=1.5 for b=50(1/%/cm), which is fit to the CXL efficacy (at steady
state). In this fitting, (for D=500 um), A=49 and 66 (1/cm) for C0=0.1%
and 0.2%.
Validation of Bunsen Roscoe
law (BRL)
To shorten the CXL treatment duration while maintaining the similar CXL efficacy, various accelerated (AC) protocols to replace the SD protocol have been proposed based on the BRL of reciprocity [8] stating that the effect of a photo-biological reaction is proportional only to the total irradiation dose (E=It), or the product of intensity (I) and exposure time (t). To achieve the same efficacy, the required exposure time based on BRL is given by t=E/I, which gives the protocol for AC; for example, t= (30, 10, 5, 3, 2) minutes for I= (3,9,18,30,45) mW/cm2. Validation of BRL has been challenged by Lin’s non-linear law and the S-formulas for CXL efficacy [7,9]. Wernli, et al. [11] also pointed out the limitation of BRL due to the sudden drop of efficacy at UV intensity around 50 mW/cm2. To improve the CXL efficacy, extended exposure time and/or dose, has been proposed to compensate the drawback of exposure time predicted by BRL [9]. Moreover, a concentration-controlled method (CCM) was proposed by Lin [10] to improve the CXL efficacy by resupply of RF during the UV exposure.
The role of oxygen and pulsed
CXL efficacy is governed by both oxygen-mediated (OM) and non-oxygen-mediated (NOM) 3-pathway processes, rather than the conventionally believed type-II only (oxygen-mediated) mechanism [12,13]. Both type-I and type-II reactions can occur simultaneously, and the ratio between these processes depends on the type of photosensitizers (PS) used, the concentrations of PS, substrate and oxygen, the kinetic rates involved in the process, and the light intensity, dose, PS depletion rate etc. The CXL 3-pathway kinetics maybe described as follows. For type-I, the riboflavin triplet state [T] may interact directly with the stroma collagen substrate [A] under NOM (with a rate constant k8, pathway-1); or with the ground-state oxygen [3O2] to form reactive oxygen species [O-] under OM; and in type-II process, [T] interacts with [3O2] to form a singlet oxygen [1O2]. [T] mayalso relax to riboflavin ground state (with a rate constant k5). Both reactive oxygen species (ROS), [O-] and [1O2], can either relax to [3O2], or interact with [A] for crosslinking.
Schumacher, et al. [4] reported the NOM-type-I CXL, in contrast to Kling, et al.[5] claiming that oxygen-mediated type-II played the critical role of CXL efficacy. Furthermore, Kamaev, et al.[12] claimed that CXL is NOM-type-I dominant, while the OM-type-II only plays a limited and transient role, as shown by Figure 3. If Kling, et al. [5] were correct, then all the reported results of epi-on CXL would not be possible, since only limited and transient oxygen supply is available. Lin [13] proposed mathematically, model in supporting the claims of Kamaev, et al. Pulsed mode was claimed to have higher efficacy than CW mode [5]. This conclusion, I believe, is due to clinical measured errors and/or non-controlled comparison of RF concentration during the UV exposure, based in Lin and Kamaev studies [12-14] that OM-type-II only plays a limited and transient role. As shown by Figure 4, the role of oxygen resupply (and pulsed mode) take few minutes. Therefore, pulsing in few seconds would not help the Type-II efficacy. CXL efficacy (type-I and type-II)
CXL efficacydefined by Eff=1-exp(-S), where
the S-function for type-I and type-II CXL are shown in Table 1. Our numerical calculations5 showed that S2
follows BRL and proportional to the light dose (E0) and C[O2].
In contrast, non-BRL feature occurs in type-I CXL (or S1) to be analyzed late.
In contrast to the conventional belief that oxygen-mediated type-II plays the
critical role of CXL, Kamaev et al [12] kinectic model showed that CXL is
predominated by type-I, while oxygen (or type-II) only plays a limited and
transient role. Lin’s 3-path-way model[14] showed mathematical details of the
role of oxygen, supporting the claim of Kamaev et al.
For type-I CXL, the S-function (S1) is shown in
Table 1, where F(z)C0 is the initial (at t=0) Rf concentration (in
the stroma) having a
depth-profile defined by a diffusion depth (D), F(z)=1-0.5z/D. In contrast to
type-II (S2), in which oxygen plays a transient but critical role, type-I (S1)
does not require oxygen and it is the predominant pathway of CXL efficacy.
vs. Modern protocols
The standard Dresden (SD) protocol was
proposed by Wollensak et al [2] in 2003, where a UVA light (at 365 nm) was used
to treat cornea 9 mm zone at an intensity of 3.0 mW/cm2 for 30
minutes, delivering a fluence (dose) of 5.4 J/cm2. Modern protocols,
named as CCM by Lin [10], used a limited resupply of RF to eliminate the extra
blocking effect due to over resupplied RF in Dresden protocol.
CXL efficacy is influenced by multiple
factors including, the UV light intensity, exposure period and dose, the
initial concentration profiles of RF and oxygen, the quantum yield of the RF
triplet state, the kinetic rate constants of RF (in type-I) and oxygen (in
type-II). Besides, the protocol procedures defining how the RF drops are
applied pre-operatively and during the UV exposure are also important, because
they define the initial, and intra-procedure RF concentration profiles (or
diffusion depth). For example, the frequency of RF drops (Fdrop) applied on the
cornea after the UV is turned on, and the waiting period (Twait) for each RF
drops instillation during the UV exposure. In the conventional Dresden
protocol, Fdrop is about 5 to 10 times and Twait=0. In contrast, our proposed
concentration-controlled method (CCM) uses Fdrop is about 1 to 3 times (for RF
replenishment) and Twait is 1 or 2 minutes (for enough diffusion depth, with
D>150 um).
Kling, et al. [15] recently reported the use of
1.5 mW/cm2 intensity for 30 minutes exposure (or 2.7 J/cm2 dose)
has similar efficacy as that of 3 mW/cm2 and 30 minutes exposure (5.4 J/cm2 dose). This
feature may be easily realized by our S-function which has an optimal dose
predicted to be about 3 to 4 J/cm2, and the 5.4 J/cm2
(for 3 mW/cm2) is certainly higher than the optimal value [16].
maximum intensity
Validation of BRL for accelerated CXL has
been studied by Wernli, et al. [11] by the Cutoff maximum intensity about 50
mW/cm2 and a minimum crosslinking time about 2 minutes. These
criteria may be derived by our S-function as follow. Taking a threshold value
of S0 (the minimum S for efficient crosslinking as that of Dresden 3
mW/cm2), or 4KC0Fexp(Az)/(aqKI0) > S02,
from our S-formula, which leads to a cutoff maximum intensity (on the corneal
surface, z=0) given by I*=4KC0/(aqKS*2). For C0=0.1%,
q=0.5, K=7.8, K’=0.05, a=0.622, we obtain I*=201/S02, or
I*= (50.3,22.3) mW/cm2, for S0= (2,3), i.e.,
Ceff=1.exp(-S0) = (0.86,0.95). these values predict what was
reported by Wernli et al [11]. We should note that the S-formula is valid for
the situation of non-controlled RF concentration, i.e., no extra RF drops were
applied during the UV exposure (or Fdrop=0). A concentration-controlled methods
(with Fdrop=1 to 3) was proposed to overcome the limitation of maximum
intensity [10].
standard for CXL efficacy
At steady-state (with bt>>1), S1
follows a nonlinear scaling law[10,16] that S1 is promotional to (C0E0/I0)0.5exp(0.5Az)
showing that S1 is proportional to C00.5 (for z=0) and
stronger dependence of exp(0.5Az) C00.5 (for z>0),
noting that A is also proportional to C0, A=290F(z)C0+32
(in cm-1). For example, at z=0, S1(for C0=0.2%)=1.43
S1(for C0=0.1%), i.e., S1 increases by a factor of 1.43 when the Rf
concentration (in the stroma) is doubled. Our formulas show that higher Rf
concentrations result in an increased but more superficial cross-linking
effect, as also clinically indicated by O’Brart, et al. [17].
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- Journal of Cell Signaling & Damage-Associated Molecular Patterns
- Journal of Spine Diseases
- Journal of Clinical Trials and Research (ISSN:2637-7373)
- International Journal of Anaesthesia and Research (ISSN:2641-399X)
- Oncology Clinics and Research (ISSN: 2643-055X)
- Dermatology Clinics and Research (ISSN:2380-5609)
- International Journal of Surgery and Invasive Procedures (ISSN:2640-0820)