Another Viewpoint about Exercise
Jan Wade Gilbert*
Corresponding Author: Jan Wade Gilbert, DMD, Department of General Dentistry, Lawrence, New York, USA
Received: May 15, 2019; Revised: October 13, 2019; Accepted: June 10, 2019
Citation: Gilbert JW. (2019) Another Viewpoint about Exercise. J Ageing Restor Med, 2(3): 113-114.
Copyrights: ©2019 Gilbert JW. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
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Think of a glass of freshly squeezed orange juice – and think about what happens if you just let it stand for about an hour. All of the pulp settles to the bottom of the glass and the liquid is not like it would be if you shook it up.

That’s similar to what happens to your organs if you just sit and sit and sit all day. Things start to separate and in the world of biology; things need to intermingle in order for the biologic chemistry to happen as it was designed to happen. Although the heart pumping and the filling and emptying of the lungs do cause some stirring of the insides of your body – and the body itself has a periodic rhythm (10-14 times/min) – those are minimal movements that are necessary for life and account for the minimal stirring needed to sustain the chemobiologic activity.

When you move around, things mix up even more; so walking is a wonderful exercise and often sufficient to stir the body well enough so whatever mixing has to happen, happens.

Heavier exercise is even better but there comes a point when things are sufficiently mixed and more is not necessary. The question is always: What is that point?

Likely, as it is with most biologic questions, the answer is different for each person and that answer for each person is different under different circumstances. But, knowing that exact point is not necessary. What you have to realize is that the extremes are not needed so exercising to the point of exhaustion is passed the point of need.

The function of strenuous exercise is to give the feeling one gets from doing that kind of thing. It’s a good feeling, often ascribed to the release of endorphins and other hormonal triggering – but that is all conjecture. Engaging in mentally challenging and physically enervating competitive sports imparts a euphoria that is unique to the athlete (at any level) and is the reason so many people enjoy sports and activities that allow the use of those large leg, arm and back muscles.

However, the regular exercise of walking at a brisk pace – or even meandering – and some arm movements (with or without weights) will satisfy the body’s need for mixing its fluids. Some bending and twisting at the waist are also beneficial movements.

It should be noted that exercise – just like almost all normal and healthy body functions – causes the formation of damaging free radicals. Hence, this is yet another reason for you to take those proven nutritional formulations that provide the needed nutrients that allow the production and proper use of antioxidants so those free radicals are efficiently and correctly handled. Those formulations are available at http://www.J-Gilbert.JuicePlus.com (Order both Juice Plus and Vineyard Blend capsules).


A mandatory function of all forms of life and biology is movement. As explained above, movement allows the biochemical to mix and more easily react with each other. Two chemicals that will easily react with each other will show no effects if they are six feet from each other and in different bodies.

If they were in the same body, the possibilities of them reacting are much better. If they were in the same area of the body, chances are really beginning to rise and if they were in a solution and gently shaken together, they might truly get close enough to react.

Movement increases the possibilities of the programmed reactions actually happening.

When it comes to trees and plants and all living things anchored to the soil, they get their movement from the wind. And when the wind blows through a tree, for example, you see how each leaf moves and how the branches bend and sometimes how the trunk sways.

Trees have the same kind of biology as do humans. They have systems that transport all manner of nutrients throughout the living organism. They take in raw materials and process them and give out the results of their biochemical activities. Sometimes they yield solids (fruits), sometimes liquids (sap) and sometimes gaseous products (oxygen).

You can see that the wind is the masseuse of plant-life and tree-life and the answer to the opening question is: Yes, trees and plant life need exercise – and they get it from the wind.


1.       Use more than one kind of toothbrush throughout the day.

2.       Brush for 60-90 s each time you brush your teeth.

3.       Watch to make sure the bristles go in-between the teeth.

4.       Brush your teeth at the gum line:

a.       Do not brush your gums directly.

5.       Brush 5 times each day:

a.       Before and after breakfast.

b.       Before and after dinner.

c.        Just before you go to sleep.

d.       Use AP24 toothpaste.

These apply to those who have gum disease and to those who do not want to get it. Of course, if your teeth are already immaculately clean and you have no gum disease (ask your dentist if that is so), just keep doing what you’re doing and you should be fine.

Gum disease has been linked to some of our most devastating afflictions (cancer, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, Alzheimer’s disease, arthritis and others) and we know that the health of the mouth is intimately related to the health of the rest of the body and that nutrition is the single most influential element in all of health care. Dr. Gilbert developed a new treatment for periodontal disease, these Secrets, The 7 Simple Signs of Low Nutritional Status and is an expert in nutrition at the doctor level, which is vastly different from the dietitian and nutritionist varieties.