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Plant material
Rauvolfia obscura root bark powder was used as plant material in various pharmacological tests.
The bark was cut into small pieces and air-dried in the laboratory at an ambient temperature of 25°C for 15 days.
For Rauvolfia Obscura K Schum (Apocynaceae), root barks were collected in Gamboma (365 km north of Brazzaville, Congo) in April 2023. Identification was carried out by systematist botanists and completed at the IRSEN botanical laboratory in Brazzaville, where a sample was compared with a reference sample deposited under number: IEC001856 dated 9/12/96.
Animal material
Male rats of wistar strain aged 5 to 6 months and weighing between 130 and 150g were used. These animals were bred at the animal house of the Ecole Normale Supérieure (ENS) of the Université Marien NGOUABI. They were regularly fed with free access to tap water.
Preparation of aqueous extracts
50g of Rauvolfia obscura root bark was macerated in 500ml of distilled water for 48 hours. After filtration using hydrophilic cotton and "Wattman" filter paper, the macerates obtained were concentrated on a water bath thermos stated at 55°C, yielding a yellow solid of Rauvolfia Obscura K Schum. The solid obtained was stored in a flask.
Animal preparation
Rats were castrated using the technique described by Roubinian [13] slightly modified [14, 15] for albino wistar rats.
Evaluation and monitoring of castration effects in rats after castration
The study parameter in this experiment was weight. Thus, after removal of the testes, the weight of castrated animals was measured using a balance. KERN brand, FCB 30K1. was used every day for two weeks.
Study of the effects of aqueous extracts of Rauvolfia Obscura K Schum on sexual parameters in castrated rats
15 days after castration, 30 male rats were divided into 06 batches each containing five 05 animals and treated as follows:
Batch 1: animals received distilled water (0.5ml/100g.P. O)
Batch 2: animals received testosterone enanthate (0.2ml/kg subcutaneously)
Lot 3: animals received yohimbine (10mg/kg)
Lots 4, 5 and 6 received aqueous extracts of Rauvolfia obscura (100, 250, 500 and 500mg/kg. P.O).
Extracts were administered for seven 7 days prior to mating. Females were treated subcutaneously with estradiol (600ug/animal/d) [16], to make them receptive to males. 6 h after the last administration, animals were paired with females to observe the following sexual parameters (number of mounts, number of erections, number of ejaculations and latency time) for one hour.
Study of the effects of aqueous extracts of Rauvolfia obscura roots in castrated rats pre-treated with testosterone enanthate.
30 castrated male rats were divided into 6 batches each containing five (05) animals and treated as follows:
Batch 1: animals received distilled water (0.5ml/100g.P. O);
Batch 2: animals received testosterone enanthate (0.2ml/kg subcutaneously)
Lot 3: animals received testosterone enanthate (0.2ml/kg) + yohimbine (10mg/kg)
Lots 4, 5 and 6 received testosterone enanthate (0.2ml/kg) + aqueous extract of Rauvolfia obscura root bark (100, 250 and 500mg/ kg. P.O).
The same parameters were observed for one hour as in the previous study.
Effects of aqueous extracts of Rauvolfia Obscura root bark on sexual parameters in castrated rats
Changes in rat body weight during treatment with Rauvolfia Obscura K Schum (Figure 1).
Effect of aqueous extract of Rauvolfia obscura root barks alone in castrated rats
Effects of aqueous extracts of Rauvolfia obscura root bark on sexual parameters in castrated rats pretreated with testosterone enanthate (Table 1).
Effects of aqueous extracts of Rauvolfia obscura root barks on sexual parameters in castrated rats pretreated with testosterone enanthate (Table 2).
Weight development of testosterone enanthate-pretreated animals (Figure 2)
The aim of the present study was to investigate the effect of aqueous extract of the root bark of Rauvolfia Obscura K Schum (apocynaceae) on sexual parameters in castrated rats. Analysis of the results on changes in body weight of animals treated with aqueous extract of the root bark of Rauvolfia obscura (100, 250 and 500mg/kg) showed a decrease in body weight in castrated animals treated with aqueous extract of the root bark of R. obscura schum roots (apocynaceae), as well as in castrated animals pretreated with testosterone enanthate (0.2 ml), compared with untreated castrated animals. This reduction, observed in both cases, shows that the extract acts like natural testosterone. It has been shown that testosterone blocks lipolysis. Its absence promotes the entry of fatty acids into adipocytes, resulting in obesity [17,18]. Furthermore, the reduction in animal body weight in these experiments following administration of Rauvolfia obscura aqueous extract (250, 500 mg/kg), seems to be explained by the toxic effects of the plant, whose previous studies had shown a lethal dose of 3300 mg/kg in mice [10]. The aqueous extract of Rauvolfia Obscura K Schum root bark (100, 250 and 500mg/kg) administered to castrated rats had no effect on any of the sexual parameters (number of mounts, number of erections and number of ejaculations) examined in this study. This result suggests that the aphrodisiac power of Rauvolfia Obscura K Schum root bark in normal rats is probably due to the stimulation of blood release of androgens, notably testosterone. Indeed, testosterone released by the testicles is reputed to stimulate the nerve structures at the origin of any sexual act [19]. However, previous studies with aqueous extracts alone in rats have shown the opposite result. Examples include aqueous extracts of pausinystalia yohimbe [15] and Buchholzia coriacea [14]. In this study, sexual parameters were also assessed using the aqueous extract of Rauvolfia obscura root bark in castrated rats pre-treated with testosterone enanthate. The results obtained show that the aqueous extract of Rauvolfia obscura root bark (100, 250 and 500mg/kg) administered to castrated rats pretreated with testosterone enanthate, increases sexual parameters with a decrease in latency time in castrated rats pretreated with testosterone enanthate. This result shows that the aqueous extract of Rauvolfia obscura root bark acts synergistically with testosterone to stimulate the nervous system to perform sexual acts. Aqueous extracts of the roots of Rauvolfia Obscura K Schum are a good remedy for treating impotence linked to androgen deficiency in men.
At the end of the study of the effects of aqueous extracts of the bark of the roots of Rauvolfia Obscura K Schum (Apocynaceae) on sexual parameters in castrated rats, it should be noted that the aqueous extract of Rauvolfia obscura (250 ,500 mg/kg) alone reduced the weight of rats, as did the reference molecules yohimbine (10 ml) and testosterone enanthate (0.2 ml). Compared with pods from animals after castration. The aqueous extract of Rauvolfia obscura root bark alone had no effect on sexual parameters in the study. However, in the presence of testosterone enanthate (0.2 ml), plant extracts such as yohimbine (10 mg/kg) activated sexual parameters with a reduction in latency time. The aqueous extract of Rauvolfia obscura (100, 250, 500 mg/kg) acts synergistically with testosterone to stimulate natural testosterone. It is therefore a good remedy for the treatment of sexual impotence due to a drop-in androgen levels in men.
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