Invitations to Join 2025 Padua Days on Muscle and Mobility Medicine (2025 Pdm3) from 25 to 29 March, Euganean Thermae, Padua, Italy: Call for Oral Presentations
Ugo Carraro*
Corresponding Author: Ugo Carraro, Armando & Carmela Mioni-Carraro Foundation for Translational Myology, Galleria Duomo 5, 35141 Padua, Italy.
Received: December 03, 2024; Revised: December 27, 2024; Accepted: December 30, 2024 Available Online: January 09, 2025
Citation: Carraro U. (2025) Invitations to Join 2025 Padua Days on Muscle and Mobility Medicine (2025 Pdm3) from 25 to 29 March, Euganean Thermae, Padua, Italy: Call for Oral Presentations. J Neurosurg Imaging Techniques, 10(1): 615-616.
Copyrights: ©2025 Carraro U. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
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Dear readers and invited chairs and speakers of the Padua Days on Muscle and Mobility Medicine (2025 Pdm3) which will be held from 25 to 29 March at the Terme Euganee, Padua, Italy. Thank you again for your continued interest in the Padova Muscle Days, an international meeting organized at the personal invitation of old friends and their young brilliant students. A preliminary program is included listing all speakers announced to date (confirmed or not). Please check the Sessions and send me the missing information (missing speakers, working titles with full addresses and additional speakers). I hope you will take the time to spread this appeal among your senior colleagues and their brilliant young alumni. The time has indeed come to send presentation proposals and registration/accommodation forms to participate in the International Meeting: Padua Days on Muscle and Mobility Medicine, which will be held at the Hotel Petrarca of Euganean Thermae (Padua, Italy) from 25 to March 29, 2025 (2025Pdm3), but spending Wednesday March 26, 2025 at the Villa Pollini on the Euganean Hills (Padua, Italy).

Keywords: 2025 Padua days on muscle and mobility medicine, Italy, Tentative program, Call for oral presentations

2025Pdm3: Padua days on muscles and mobility medicine to be held 25 to 29 March 2025; EJTM: European Journal of Translational Myology; ncRNAs: Non-Coding RNA; Pdm3: Padua Days on Muscle and Mobility Medicine; RNA: Ribonucleic acid

In a recent historic review, Sabbadini [1] recalls his years spent as a guest scientist at the Institute of General Pathology of the University of Padua, Italy and the many years he spent valorizing a serendipitous observation made in collaboration with the scientific group of Professor Giovanni Salviati, University of Padua, Italy. The main result of those years is the addition of “Bioactive Lipids” to the long list of Myokines, Adipokines, RNAkines (ncRNAs), that are collectively known as cytokines. Readers of this editorial are therefore warmly invited to contribute typescripts to MUSCLES (MDPI) on Bioactive Lipids and cytokines, specifically Myokines. I am confident that young readers will be motivated to test in vitro and in vivo this further option for drug development on how to rejuvenate at 80’s [2]. A second easier goal for them is to accept invitation to the 2025 Padua Days on Muscle and Mobility Medicine. Indeed, it is time to send presentation proposals and registration/accommodation forms to participate in the International Meeting: Padua Days on Muscle and Mobility Medicine which will be held at the Hotel Petrarca of the Euganean Thermae (Padua, Italy) from 25 to 29 March 2025 (2025Pdm3). A preliminary Program for the Call for Presentations, the information on how to join the 2025Pdm3, the Abstract’s template and the Registration/Accommodation forms follow as Supplementary Materials. Abstracts of accepted presentations must be submitted by January 15, 2025 along with payments for registration and accommodation. The preliminary Program ensures that the 2025Pdm3 will be even more successful than previous successful events [3-10].

  1. Sabbadini R (2024) Making a Difference: “Serendipity favors the prepared mind.” Louis Pasteur. Eur J Transl Myol 34(3): 12970.
  2. Carraro U (2024) How to rejuvenate at 80’s. Cleup, Padova, Italy.
  3. Zampieri S, Bersch I, Smeriglio P, Barbieri E, Boncompagni S, et al. (2024) Program with last minute abstracts of the Padua Days on Muscle and Mobility Medicine, 27 February - 2 March, 2024 (2024Pdm3). Eur J Transl Myol 34(1): 12346.
  4. Zampieri S, Narici MV, Gargiulo P, Carraro U (2023) Abstracts of the 2023 Padua Days of Muscle and Mobility Medicine (2023Pdm3) to be held March 29 - April 1 at the Galileian Academy of Padua and at the Petrarca Hotel, Thermae of Euganean Hills, Padua, Italy. Eur J Transl Myol 33(1): 11247.
  5. Sweeney HL, Masiero S, Carraro U (2022) The 2022 On-site Padua Days on Muscle and Mobility Medicine hosts the University of Florida Institute of Myology and the Wellstone Center, March 30 - April 3, 2022 at the University of Padua and Thermae of Euganean Hills, Padua, Italy: The collection of abstracts. Eur J Transl Myol 32(1): 10440.
  6. Carraro U, Yablonka-Reuveni Z (2021) Translational research on Myology and Mobility Medicine: 2021 semi-virtual Pdm3 from Thermae of Euganean Hills, May 26 - 29, 2021. Eur J Transl Myol 31(1): 9743.
  7. Carraro U (2020) 30 Years of Translational Mobility Medicine: 2020 Padua Muscle Days go virtual from Euganean Hills, November 19th to 21st. Eur J Transl Myol 30(4): 9437.
  8. Carraro U (2019) Collection of the Abstracts of the 2019Sp PMD: Translational Myology and Mobility Medicine. Eur J Transl Myol 29(1): 8155.
  9. Carraro U (2018) Exciting perspectives for Translational Myology in the Abstracts of the 2018Spring PaduaMuscleDays: Giovanni Salviati Memorial - Chapter I - Foreword. Eur J Transl Myol 28(1): 7363.
  10. Carraro U (2017) Spring PaduaMuscleDays, roots and byproducts. Eur J Transl Myol 27(2): 6810.