Review Article
The Relationship of Health Awareness to Practice Preventive Health Behavior
Boughrari Keltoum*
Corresponding Author: Boughrari Keltoum, PhD Student, Tamangasset University Laboratory for the Localization of Psychology in Ahagar and Tedikalt Tamangasset University, Algeria.
Received: April 03, 2024; Revised: April 08, 2024; Accepted: April 11, 2024 Available Online: April 24, 2024
Citation: Keltoum B. (2024) The Relationship of Health Awareness to Practice Preventive Health Behavior. J Psychiatry Psychol Res 7(2): 641-650.
Copyrights: ©2024 Keltoum B. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
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Striving to live a healthy life is the desire of everyone, whether individuals or institutions, but a healthy life is not achieved by simply obtaining a set of information and knowledge, as knowledge alone is not enough, but it is an important stage to reach the next stage, which is the stage of perception, awareness and actual practice. Practicing preventive health behaviors is considered a translation of that knowledge, information and experiences and transforming them into habits that individuals adopt in their daily lives and then spread throughout society. In fact, this is what the loud voices calling for the necessity of health awareness and behaviors that enhance and advance physical and mental health seek to achieve. It protects against various diseases and disorders. This is progressing rapidly on the ground, as the matter is often still confined to the stage of knowledge and obtaining a huge amount of information, research and studies in the field of healthy behaviors. However, this stage does not achieve the required level of health, especially after a series of diseases and crises that all of humanity is experiencing, especially in the field of health. Which is a message to everyone about the necessity of paying attention to prevention and maintaining health. Therefore, those interested in this field emphasize the necessity of encouraging the adoption of healthy behaviors, starting with adopting a healthy lifestyle that includes the various aspects of the individual: psychological, including thoughts and feelings, physical, through practicing sound habits such as exercise and nutrition. All of this is in order to show the relationship of health awareness to practice preventive healthy behavior among individuals in order to avoid different diseases.

Keywords: Health awareness, Healthy behaviors, The preventive healthy behaviors, The health, The disease

Our lives are constantly changing, coinciding with the development taking place in the world and in all fields. These changes included the different lifestyles of individuals and even affected their awareness and awareness, which in turn affected the behaviors and habits that individuals adopted. Especially after the events that swept the world and affected collective awareness, especially in the health aspect. Some people raised their awareness, paid attention to their lifestyle, paid attention to their unhealthy behaviors, and sought development, while others surrendered to fear and despair and did not change their daily habits and behaviors [1]. This change begins with what drinks and foods enter his body. The latter, which many researches and studies have confirmed, is a major element and the cause of healthy life or diseases and early death. We are not exaggerating if we say that we are risking our health by eating poor foods and toxic substances on the one hand, and adopting lazy lifestyles and bad behaviors and habits on the other hand. Along with this is a lack of positive emotions and healthy, supportive relationships. So, the concept of health has also changed. According to the World Health Organization’s definition, health is not limited only to the state of the body being free of disease, infirmity, and handicap, but rather it is: “a state of integrated wellness in which social, psychological, mental, and physical health is taken into account, and spiritual health is added later.” With this definition, health concepts expanded to include the environment in which a person lives and the health facilities in which he receives various health care services. Therefore, those interested in this field emphasize the necessity of spreading awareness by centers and associations specialized in the field of health, in order to build health awareness and encourage individuals to practice healthy behaviors that reduce the slide towards diseases, prevent them, and avoid complex and expensive therapeutic interventions. This is done through various media and curricula.


The world is currently witnessing rapid change in all fields, and a clear change in the field of epidemics and diseases, especially after the wave of the Corona epidemic that suddenly swept the world and claimed many lives [2]. Which carried within it a message to people about the need to take care of their health by raising health awareness, practicing healthy behaviors, and adhering to preventive measures to avoid any emergency situation. Because the habits and behaviors you currently practice for a certain period of time are what determine your future healthy life? If most of them are negative habits and dangerous behaviors, they will result in a deterioration in your health over time. However, if your health concerns are more positive, such as eating healthy, exercising, doing work you love, and sleeping well, you will reap good results for your health. Even if an epidemic or outbreak of a disease occurs, it will have a slight impact on your mental and physical health. Therefore, the most famous health belief model that explains health behavior focuses on the fact that the trend towards preventive health behavior requires awareness of the threat to health. Psychological and medical studies and research have increased on examining the relationship between different behavioral patterns in individuals and improving mental and physical health. The World Health Organization has also focused, through its reports, on encouraging healthy lifestyles to prevent various diseases.

Most studies in this field confirm that one of the major causes of disease is due to the level of awareness of individuals and unhealthy health habits and behaviors. It should be noted that some of the healthy behaviors are positive behaviors that promote health and some are negative behaviors that are harmful to health. We can also distinguish between a conscious person and someone else, as a health-conscious person is one who has a balanced daily routine between his physical, psychological, mental, and social and health aspects. Its program includes activities and habits that support health, such as healthy eating, exercise, various medical examinations, doing a job, craft, or hobby, positive friendships, relaxation, meditation, relaxation sessions, communication with nature, and other activities and practices that help improve mental health and prevent illness. Disease symptoms. Therefore, we decided in this research paper to shed light on: relationship of health awareness in practice healthy behavior. Therefore, the following main question can be asked:

  • What is the relationship between health awareness and practice healthy behaviors Preventive against various diseases?

To answer the main question, it was divided into the following sub-questions:

  • What are the benefits of spreading health awareness and its sources?
  • What are the theories and models that explain health behavior?
  • How does it affect to lift health awareness in practice Preventive health behaviors?
  • What are the pathways to health and disease?

The importance of study

The importance of this theoretical research paper lies in:

  • Enriching research and studies that address health awareness and healthy behaviors to improve health and reduce the exacerbation of diseases.
  • Highlighting the importance of the integrated relationship between awareness and knowledge of health information and practicing healthy behaviors.
  • Explain the importance of recognizing the different pathways to health or illness in individuals.

Objectives of the study

Considering that every scientific work has a goal or goals that it seeks to achieve, they can be summarized as follows:

  • Introducing the concepts of health awareness and preventive health behaviors and the relationship between them.
  • Revealing health awareness and its importance and
  • Identify the theories that explain the health behaviors practiced by
  • Awareness of the choices each of us makes towards health or illness are

Identify the basic study concepts:

The current study contains the following basic terms are Health awareness, healthy behavior, preventive health behavior, health and disease.

Health awareness

Health awareness also means familiarity with health information and facts, and their sense of responsibility towards their health and the health of others. It is the healthy practice intentionally as a result of understanding and persuasion, and transforming these living practices into a habit practiced without feeling or thinking.

As for the World Health Organization’s concept of health awareness, it defines it as: the ability of the individual himself, his family, and his local community to obtain, understand, and benefit from information about personal health, nutritional, and protective environment aspects in ways that promote and maintain good health [3].

Healthy behavior

Sarafino said: “Healthy behavior is any activity carried out by an individual with the aim of preventing disease and for the purpose of identifying or diagnosing the disease in the early stages” [4].

Health behavior also defines as the behaviors that individuals perform with the aim of enhancing their health status and maintaining their health. The importance of unhealthy behaviors does not stem only from the fact that they contribute to the occurrence of diseases, but because they may simply develop into habits that are harmful to health [5].

Preventive health behavior

For Castle and Cope: Preventive health behavior symbolizes those activities carried out by individuals who believe that they are better and who have no experience with any symptoms or signs of disease for the purpose of preventing and avoiding disease or detecting it early and maintaining a good level of health, such as healthy eating, and doing medical examinations [6].

And he knows Preventive health behavior is also called health protection behavior, which every behavior is issued by the individual, regardless of his current health status as he perceives it, in order to protect and develop health, whether this behavior is effective or not to achieve this goal.

The disease

For health psychology, illness is a stressful event that affects a person on both a biological and a social level. Illness is experienced as a destabilization of the person. It is preferable to study the importance of psychological and social factors related to all stages of disease development [7].

The health

Health was previously defined as the absence of disease. In the mid-1970s, the definition of health took a comprehensive approach, and health is currently considered divided into main sections: physical health, psychological health, mental health, social health, spiritual health, functional health, and vocational health. According to the definition of the World Health Organization, which we will refer to later, the absence of disease in the event of problems in any of the following sections is not considered healthy or a definition of health [8].

The World Health Organization defined global health in 1948 as: an integrated state of physical, psychological and social balance and not just a state of freedom from diseases, illnesses, disabilities and disability [9].


There are many previous studies that addressed the topic of health awareness and health behavior, or each variable separately with other variables. By reviewing previous studies, both Arab and foreign, that dealt with health awareness and health behaviors, we mention:

A study of (Breslowet Strom) where she emphasized on the importance of healthy behavior in preventing the risk of disease, and her results concluded that males who practiced the seven healthy habits had a death rate of 28% of the percentage of individuals who practiced zero to three healthy habits. In other words, adopting an inappropriate method A healthy lifestyle inevitably leads to death, and practicing healthy habits develops an individual’s health and prolongs his life [10].

In addition to the study of Rodham [11] which aimed to know the impact of health control on the level of health awareness among students of the University Center in Tamanghasset. The sample, consisting of 252 male and female students from various specializations, was intentionally selected, and the descriptive approach was used and the data was processed through programs (19. SPSS) and using the scale developed by Emad El-Din Abdel Haq and his colleagues in (2012), and the multidimensional source of health control scale for...-Wellston, which was translated by Khanfar [12] it was found that the level of health awareness is high, with differences between males and females in the level of health behavior and health control.

Also, the study of Bornan [13] identify the level of health awareness among students at An-Najah National University and Al-Quds University according to the variables of gender, college, and the students’ cumulative GPA. To achieve this, the study was conducted on a sample of 800 male and female students, with 500 male and female students from the University An-Najah National University recruited 300 male and female students from Al-Quds University and administered a questionnaire to measure health awareness, which consisted of 32 items. After collecting the data, it was processed using the statistical program SPSS, where the results of the study showed that the level of general health awareness among the sample members was average, and the response percentage reached 64.80%, in addition to the emergence of statistically significant differences in the level of health awareness among students according to university variables, in favor of Al-Quds University and the college, in favor of scientific colleges, and the gender variable, in favor of female students, as well as for the cumulative GPA variable and in favor of the higher GPA.

In addition to this, comes a study by Shenar [14] entitled Health behavior among students of scientific colleges at Al-Quds University in light of some variables. The study aimed to identify health behavior among a sample of students of scientific colleges at Al-Quds University in light of some variables: Gender, academic level, achievement. Al-Samadi’s health behavior scale was used. The study sample consisted of 360 male and female students. The results of the study showed that the health behavior among students was average. The results of the study also showed that there were differences in health behavior among students of scientific colleges due to the gender variable. In favor of males.

There is also the study by Suleiman [15] entitled Health behavior and its relationship to quality of life, a comparative study between rural and urban residents. The study aimed to identify the nature of the relationship between healthy behavior and quality of life. The health behavior and quality of life questionnaire was used, and the study sample consisted of 317 individuals from Rural and city residents. The results of the study showed a moderately strong correlation between health behavior and quality of life. The study also showed that there were no significant differences between the sexes on the health behavior scale.

We can refer to a study conducted by Harboush [16] on: “Health behavior and attitudes towards health” - a comparative field study between Syrian and German students. This study aimed to analyze students' health behavior and attitudes from a cross-cultural perspective with the aim of finding cross- cultural differences between a Syrian and a German sample. In the study, they used the Health Behavior Questionnaire, which measures certain aspects of health behavior and attitudes towards it. The study sample included 300 subjects, including 201 females and 99 males. The statistical analysis of the results used descriptive and inferential statistics. The study showed the presence of some distinctive characteristics of the Syrian sample, some of which are health-promoting, such as eating fruit, sleeping a sufficient number of hours, and brushing teeth, and others which are unhealthy, such as: the absence of regular medical visits.

Most previous studies on health awareness and preventive behaviors have confirmed that among the major causes of disease are due to the level of awareness of individuals and unhealthy health habits and behaviors. While there are some healthy behaviors that are positive behaviors that promote health and some that are negative behaviors that are harmful to health. We can also distinguish between a conscious person and someone else, as a health-conscious person is one who has a balanced daily routine between his physical, psychological, mental, and social and health aspects. Its program includes activities and habits that support health, such as healthy eating, exercise, various medical examinations, doing a job, craft, or hobby, positive friendships, relaxation, meditation, relaxation sessions, communication with nature, and other activities and practices that help improve mental health and prevent illness. Disease symptoms.


Benefits of health awareness, its sources and types

Muhammad Al-Gohary believes that health awareness is: “An awareness of health knowledge and facts about healthy behavior, that is, it is the process of the individual realizing himself, being aware of the circumstances surrounding him, and forming a mental attitude towards the general health of society” [17].

Spreading health awareness brings many benefits to individuals, which appear through:

Familiarity with the various information, facts, and preventive methods specific to each disease.

It helps raise health culture and learn about chronic and infectious diseases and ways to prevent them.

Translating knowledge and information into healthy behaviors with the aim of preventing and maintaining health.

Emphasizing the importance of prevention and health awareness, thus rationalizing spending in the field of treatment [18].

Sources of Awareness

Raising the level of health awareness is the responsibility of all individuals and institutions. It falls on the adult individual, who is supposed to bear responsibility for himself and seeks to raise his awareness of his health and know what harms him and what benefits him. He can only do this by researching, reading, and scrutinizing the various things presented to him, especially we are in a time of many claims and claims. Every trend spreads its opinions about what is healthy and beneficial, and because of the spread of information and knowledge that has become accessible to everyone, people are confused between what is healthy and sound and what is bad and harmful. Scrutiny and searching for the true and reliable source of information has become what matters most. Therefore, raising health awareness makes individuals feel responsible for their health and transform their knowledge about health into healthy habits and behaviors that they practice within their daily program and on a routine basis. This is instead of just collecting a large amount of information that will not be useful unless it is transformed into practical practices that help maintain and improve health. For example: Smokers may know the harms of smoking and have sufficient information and a broad culture, but these individuals are not necessarily health conscious and apply what they know. An individual may be aware of the harms of smoking and yet still be keen to practice smoking behavior.

The word health awareness, then, is not limited to collecting knowledge, but rather it means translating health knowledge, information, experiences, and perceptions into daily behaviors and healthy lifestyles for individuals in various aspects of life.

In fact, there are many sources of obtaining information that raises the level of health awareness from various media and videos on the Internet, in addition to attending lectures and seminars on health culture and training and awareness courses on health, disease and health prevention by various actors in society, from centers, associations, organizations and others. Reading, self-study, and learning from various health schools remain the best ways to develop health awareness and improve health, and then choose what suits the person, his health, and his personal experience [19].

Types of awareness

Instinctive awareness

It is what the individual has as a result of practices and experiences during his daily life, and is mostly driven by instinctive motives.

Mental awareness

It is based on the work of reason, understanding, persuasion, and distinguishing between alternatives, and is achieved through a planned and intentional effort in order to form a measure of general culture [6].

It should be noted that there are some terms associated with health awareness, the most important of which is: health education.

Health education is defined as: making health information and facts a living and realistic behavior in our lives, using modern educational methods [20]. Health education is a process that aims to fill the gap between people's health information and their practice of healthy behaviors [21].

Health education represents one of the most important basic steps in preventing diseases, avoiding complications, or obtaining treatment and recovery. Therefore, it is not only information and knowledge, but it is the path towards perception, behavior, practice and application of that knowledge and information.

There are several areas through which health culture is spread, the most important of which are:

Family: Since the family is the one who undertakes to raise, care and guide the child and works to enhance his healthy behavior and provide doses of advice and guidance according to the age group in which the person is.

Media: Health media is an essential pillar in the field of awareness and education. An important role has emerged for the health media in spreading health education because it is the most influential means of changing individuals’ attitudes and opinions and has the greatest scope for reaching the largest possible number of individuals [22].

Based on the variation in the health culture of individuals, the resort to formal and informal health services varies depending on the prevailing framework. Therefore, we notice a difference in the adoption of health practices even within one culture, from one rural group to another, and between men and women [23].

Health behavior, its dimensions, and theories explaining it:

Health behavior is: behavior that leads to an impact (positive or negative) on an individual’s health. Much of the interest of health psychology focuses on health behavior or - more specifically - discovering ways to encourage individuals to practice positive health behaviors [24].

We point out that there are two types of health behavior: preventive health behavior aimed at preventing the disease from occurring in the first place, and curative health behavior aimed at alleviating the severity of the infection, accelerating the treatment process, and avoiding the occurrence of complications.

Dimensions of Healthy Behavior

Our daily behaviors and habits in eating, drinking, sleeping, dressing, washing, and movement play a major role on our health, and this is confirmed by many researches and studies that have been reported on the importance of the daily routine, from its beginning with waking up early, exercising, deep breathing, meditation, and healthy eating until going to sleep. That is why scientists tried to define healthy behavior in several terms, but they agreed that it is a pattern of behavior that an individual performs to maintain his health. Healthy behavior has three basic dimensions:

Preventive dimension: It includes health practices that would protect a person from the risk of contracting a disease, such as getting vaccinated against a specific disease, for example, or seeing a doctor regularly for periodic examinations.

After maintaining health: It refers to healthy practices that will maintain an individual’s health, such as eating healthy foods, for example, or implementing other recommended healthy behaviors.

After improving health: It includes all healthy practices that will work to develop health and raise it to the highest possible levels through physical activity and exercising on a regular and permanent basis etc. [25].

One World Health Organization report indicates that 17 million people around the globe die every year from diseases that are largely preventable, and that diseases such as heart disease, stroke, diabetes, some cancers, and respiratory diseases are all preventable diseases. Through some changes in lifestyle, the report adds that if we get serious, we will be able to protect 32 million individuals from death by following a comprehensive mechanism that includes governments moving towards health prevention programs to curb chronic diseases [26].

Among some of the behaviors that must be considered when we deal with health prevention, we mention:

Smoking or alcohol abuse, using medications, eating and losing weight, following medical instructions, exercising and sleeping, protecting teeth, taking advantage of health care facilities and using a seat belt, and appropriate sexual behavior are appropriate strategies for confronting stress and pressure. On the other hand, there are some practices that hinder the adoption of commitment to healthy behaviors in a good and effective way. Among these obstacles we mention: wrong healthy habits, lack of consistency and regularity of healthy behavior, wrong ideas and beliefs, an unsupportive social context, and vital preparations.

So positive actions no longer only include performing behaviors that are the opposite of negative behaviors, such as stopping smoking, taking drugs, cutting down on alcohol, or even improving diet and exercise, but they also include performing preventive behaviors such as health checks or - simply - engaging in preventive behaviors such as Brushing teeth and washing hands [27].

Theories explaining health behavior:

Some social psychologists, especially those interested in health behavior, have resorted to developing theoretical models to explain this behavior. In the 1950s, the United States Public Health Service asked specialists to search for the reasons that hinder Americans from adopting preventive screening behaviors for diseases such as: tuberculosis, neck cancer, and gum disease. Pulmonary fever, polio, colds, and other chronic diseases, even though the services are free or low-cost, and therefore everyone Hachbaum, Kegeles, Leventhal, and Rosenstock developed the most important model, the Belief Health Model.

In addition to other models and theories.

Health Belief model (HBM):

Which emphasizes that a person bases his behavior on:

Awareness of the risk and possibility of contracting the disease.

The degree of seriousness of the disease and its serious consequences.

The benefits he gains from his behavior versus the obstacles

This model was initially developed by Rosenstock (1966). Rosenstock) and later developed by Naguib [28]. as a system for predicting preventive health behaviors, as well as therapeutic behavioral response in patients suffering from chronic and acute diseases. However, in recent years this model has been used to predict a wide variety of health-related behaviors, of which the components of a health belief are that it predicts that health behavior is the result of a set of beliefs that have been redefined for many years [29].

An individual's knowledge of whether he will practice healthy behavior is achieved by two basic factors: awareness of the threat and awareness that certain health practices are effective in reducing that threat [30].

Social cognitive theory

Perception of danger requires a weaker realistic effect than what Bandura called for. Self-efficacy. Therefore, there are three most important characteristics during the motivation phase that contribute to determining goal intention, which are (perception of danger - expectation of results - expectation of self-efficacy). Bandura believes that the individual’s intention to do Healthy behavior is only generated when he has expectations of the outcome in addition to expectations of competence, meaning that the individual does not stop smoking simply because he believes that it is harmful, but rather is convinced that he is able to bear the difficult process of quitting smoking. The intensity of intention is largely linked to self-efficacy [30].

Reasonable action model

This model does not focus on the behavior itself, but rather on the intentions of this behavior, which is known as behavioral intentions, which are determined by two main factors:

Tendencies toward questionable behavior.

Self-standard: that is, through the pressure of expectations caused by others.

Normative and personal convictions constitute the cognitive precursors of the model's components, as personal convictions are directed toward the possible outcomes of questionable behavior and toward evaluations. Whereas normative convictions are based on expectations on the part of people or groups in the person's frame of reference for the purpose of modifying attitudes or the personal standard, and thus modifying intentions and then modifying behavior [17].

Protection motivation model

This model goes back to Rogers (Rogers), and is based on the cognitive representation of health-threatening information and decision-making to take appropriate actions. Meaning practicing healthy behavior patterns. This model enables us to differentiate between four perceptions:

Perceived degree of seriousness related to the disease threat.

Perceived susceptibility to these health threats.

The perceived effectiveness of an action to prevent or eliminate a health threat.

Expectations of self-efficacy to repel danger [18].

Theory of planned behavior

This theory is built on the theory of justified action developed by Azgen and Fishbein, which assumed that behavior can be predicted by a person's intent or intention to engage in a particular behavior. This intention is formed by the individual's attitude toward behavior and his awareness of the social norm. The theory of planned behavior is based on the above, in addition to the perception of behavioral control and measuring the extent to which an individual believes it is necessary to control a specific behavior [19].

Most theoretical studies and models in health psychology that explain health behavior, most notably the health beliefs model, indicate- (Rosenstock et Becker) point out that the reason why individuals either turn to healthy behavior by taking preventive measures from diseases or too risky behavior results from their personal choices and convictions based on the perceived benefits and costs of practicing that behavior or not.

Relationship between health awareness in practicing healthy behaviors

We conclude from the above that it is one of the results of increasing health awareness, we find the trend towards adopting positive practices and habits that benefit the health of individuals psychologically and physically. For example, obesity and stored fat in the body can be avoided thanks to the behavior of sports activity. In this regard, experts confirmed the existence of a relationship between lift levels of health awareness. This contributes to the trend towards exercise Healthy behavior Preventive for the individual, any the higher the level of preventive health awareness, the higher his healthy behavior and vice versa.

Therefore, it can be said that individuals who have a higher level of health awareness practice behaviors to enjoy better health than others. You find them searching for information that increases their awareness and for health services that improve their health, and by practicing healthy behaviors they protect their health from psychological and physical diseases.

Definitions and dimensions of health and illness and their course

Definition of health

Perkins defines health as: a state of relative balance of body functions that results from the body’s adaptation to the harmful factors it is exposed to in order to maintain its balance [20].

'Health' means: a state of feeling that you are healthy, happy, and characterized by good health or well-being. We express health also through objective indicators and evidence, such as: that the body’s organs perform their functions normally and well, as measured by blood pressure. And subjective indicators and symptoms: such as symptoms of illness, shock, or disorder, such as: feeling pain and nausea. In dictionaries, we get the same meanings and definitions for the term health. However, there is a dilemma in these definitions of the term “health.” [21].

Key dimensions of health

There are many dimensions in which to collect [22].in main dimensions:

Physical and physical health: It requires good nutrition, appropriate weight, and purposeful exercises to ensure carrying out daily tasks and preserving the body’s energy for use in various activities.

Mental health: It reaches it through the secretion of chemicals that eliminate nervous pressure and create a feeling of psychological comfort, including: proper and balanced nutrition and disease prevention.

Social health: It is represented by good behavior in difficult situations and the ability to deal with others [23].


There are several factors that affect health, positively or negatively, which can be summarized as follows:

The environment includes the home and the workplace.

Nutrition and balance of the body's essential elements.

A daily lifestyle that includes sports, rest, work and entertainment.

General awareness of health issues and adherence to good health habits.

Providing necessary health services and seeking them in a timely manner [15,16].

The disease

Linguistically speaking, illness is anything that goes beyond the limits of health, illness, or shortcomings in something, and a sick person is someone who has an illness, deficiency, or deviation [24].

Sillamy describes illness as: the corruption of health and the inability of the body to use organizational defense against external aggressions (trauma, poisoning, and infection) and to resolve psychological conflicts. [25].

In terms of terminology, disease is an organic or functional change, which can be understood through several dimensions and angles referred to Muhammad [26].

The disease (Disease) indicates biological imbalances in organs and the physiological system.

The disease (Illness) relates to lived experience and has to do with cultural and personal reactions, and interpersonal, the human experience of illness and this dimension refers to the state of being sick.

The disease (Sickness) from the social aspect, and focuses on the fate that an individual takes when he is sick, in addition to the paths of socialization. Illness, in the sense of impairment, is defined as a state of dysfunction that is affected by the social aspect and affects the individual’s relationship with others [27].

Pathways to health and illness

It has recently been confirmed through modern research and studies that lifestyle is the cause of longevity or early death. These studies have confirmed that food is one of the main causes of disease, as we risk our health when we eat foods that are poor in minerals and proteins and full of toxic substances. In addition, lazy lifestyles, chronic stress, bad habits such as smoking, use of painkillers and stimulants, and the lack of positive emotions and meaningful and supportive relationships all negatively affect our mental and physical health. Not to mention the devastating consequences of modern medicine's treatment of disease symptoms and treatment.

But it is always not too late. Once you are aware and realize, you can improve your health condition. But we should pay attention to some important things related to foods, as the foods that we buy in the markets are less nutritious than the foods that our ancestors used, where is the clarity of the air, water, and pure soil, but fortunately we have not lost everything in the natural sources of rich foods, as they are still available, but It takes conscious choice and healthy intelligence, and we can still reduce our exposure to toxins provided we learn to take responsibility.

Of the six paths that each of us takes either towards health or towards illness are: that Confirm on her Chemist and author Raymond Francis and his colleague Custer Cotton [28]. Health is a decision you can make, and they emphasized that there is one disease, two causes and six paths. He focused on the importance of cells, as Raymond said: Dysfunctional cells are the primary basis for disease, so taking care of them is essential for a healthy life. According to him, the two causes that lead to cell dysfunction and because disease are: imbalanced nutrition and excessive toxicity. As Consider a set of paths that make you either enjoy good health or contribute to your slide into illness. When you know, you can correct your path. These paths are six: the nutritional path, the physical path, the genetic path, the psychological path, the medical path, and toxic substance [29]. As in his explanation of the six paths, he pointed out that the diet must focus on meeting the nutritional needs of cells so that they do not disrupt their function and lead to diseases. As for toxic substances, when we are exposed to toxicity in multiple ways, from the air we breathe, the water we drink, or even the clothes or food we eat, with a lack of exercise, in addition to negative thoughts and feelings, all of this increases the burden of toxicity within us. As for the psychological path, it indicates that our thoughts and feelings trigger a series of biochemical reactions that either strengthen or destroy health. When we say that they destroy health, we mean that they destroy or strengthen cells. What we allow to enter our minds on a daily basis is a sensitive matter, and what we think and feel in our lives plays a role. An influential role on the body. When we realize that the mind and body are one thing, we must acknowledge the reports that talk about the effects of suggestion and miraculous healing cases [9]. It is health awareness it makes us abandon the lazy lifestyle by exercising, and this turn it also makes our mental life better. As for the fifth path, it is the genetic path, meaning genes are blueprints, maps, and instructions that teach our bodies how to grow and develop from one cell to another and from one age stage to another. Therefore, genes alone are interconnected and useless threads of chemicals, and they alone do not determine health from disease.

The last path is medical, as no one denies that some medical treatments contribute to nutritional deficiency. Antibiotics and their problems are known far and wide, as they seriously damage the digestive system, which hinders the ability to digest food and absorb nutrients [30].

Also, some medical drugs work in an unnatural way, causing toxicity, and this is what you find in prescriptions for side effects. All drugs cause side effects, some of which are devastating and some of which are less harmful. Because drugs cause dysfunction in cells directly, they cause diseases and drugs are considered foreign to the body, as the mechanism of action of drugs changes the biochemistry of the body in order to eliminate symptoms. The side effects are often worse than the diseases these drugs are used to treat. These risks may be justified and justified if these drugs treat diseases, but they do not actually treat them. Rather, they only control the symptoms, concealing the symptom and leaving the disease behind. The symptoms are often eliminated, but the real cause remains, and the matter gets worse because the body's natural immune mechanisms are destroyed by drugs. It is also worth noting that when the body loses its balance, it tells us that there is a problem and we must listen to it, through signals such as: fatigue, various body aches and pains, difficulty digesting, difficulty sleeping, changes in mood, thoughts, or behavior.

It should be noted that sometimes even some doctors themselves inflict psychological harm on their patients, and this is observed through some practices, such as when the doctor estimates the patient how long he will live or predicts that the disease will worsen, and often doctors do not listen to the thoughts and opinions of their patients, but rather interrupt their conversation after less than a minute. The patient begins to describe symptoms. Such practices destroy the most important goal of the doctor, which is to help and support the patient throughout the entire treatment journey. Many medical procedures, including surgery and X-rays, physically damage the body, causing dysfunction and ultimately disease.

This physical damage can also cause genetic damage, and genetic mutations can cause cancer and other diseases that may be passed on to future generations. In many cases, you sometimes find that the patient or the person who visits the doctor for the purpose of consultation or diagnosis is more knowledgeable than the doctor himself, as he is aware, knowledgeable, and has information about the disease and various treatments. All that is missing is support and encouragement to commit to practicing healthy behaviors that prevent various diseases.


At the conclusion of this article, which discussed a topic that concerns everyone, which is: relationship of health awareness in practicing healthy behavior to prevent various diseases. Everyone, without exception, wishes to enjoy abundant health, but many of us do not take health seriously until we suffer from it. One Illness, so we conclude through this theoretical research and after reviewing the theoretical heritage and previous studies that linked health awareness and preventive health behavior. It is necessary to work on raising health awareness in its various aspects by showing its importance, sources, and methods that work to raise awareness of the health aspect and the trend towards preventive health behaviors, by expanding the comprehensive concept and vision of health and disease, especially what we eat and what we put into our stomachs and what we put into our minds in terms of thoughts and feelings. The new scientific method in choosing a healthy lifestyle and healthy behaviors differs from the stereotypical and traditional methods, as the new methods and methods, no matter how different, require raising health awareness, committing to healthy behaviors, and taking responsibility, so that we can avoid chronic, epidemic, and dangerous diseases and thus improve our health and the health of our families and communities.

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