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SPAD meter
is a simple, portable diagnostic device that measures the greenness or relative
chlorophyll content of leaves. Compared with the traditional destructive
methods of chlorophyll extraction, the use of this tool device saves time,
space, and resources. The objective of this article is to review the
associations between the photosynthetic pigments content (chlorophylls,
carotenoids) extracted in dimethylsulfoxide or acetone, with the SPAD readings
in leaves for estimating their content non-destructively. To estimate photosynthetic pigment
content in flag leaves of wheat using the chlorophyll meter, linear models were
developed by Kumar and Sharma (2019) from the relationship between the Chlorophyll
meter SPAD readings and photosynthetic pigments, i.e., Chla (Chla=0.0690
× SPAD Value - 1.082), Chlb (Chlb=0.021 × SPAD Value -
0.396), total Chl (Total chlorophyll=0.090 × SPAD Value - 1.477) and total
carotenoids (Total Carotenoids=0.013 × SPAD Value - 0.074). Therefore, it is obvious that the portable chlorophyll
meters, SPAD-502 produced readings are associated with leaf photosynthetic
pigments and thus allow for a quick determination of the concentration of
photosynthetic pigments in the leaves of crop plants with high accuracy and avoiding
the use of chemical reagents and extensive laboratory protocols.
Keywords: Carotenoids, Chlorophyll,
Photosynthetic pigments, SPAD readings
Chlorophylls and carotenoids are the most
abundant pigment molecules occurred in the chloroplast of leaf mesophyll cells
of green plants which trap the solar energy for photosynthetic process. The
amount of leaf photosynthetic pigments is key variables in characterizing
photosynthetic capacity and gross primary production in the biosphere [1-4].
Besides light harvesting, photosynthetic pigments play a central role in
photosystem protection and other growth functions [5,6]. Carotenoids are
composed of carotenes and xanthophylls and represents another key
photosynthetic pigment group. Being essential structural components of the
photosynthetic antenna, carotenoids participate in harvesting light energy for
photosynthesis [7,8]. In addition to the direct contribution in the
photosynthetic process, carotenoids are also involved in the defense mechanism
against oxidative stress [9,10] and play an essential role in the dissipation
of excess light energy and provide protection to reaction centers [11].
In eco-physiological studies amount of
chlorophylls indicates responses of plants to different stresses such as
nitrogen deficit [12,13], water deficit [14,15] and high irradiance [16-19].
Carotenoids play a role in protection of the photosynthetic machinery against
excess energy and their high content in leaf may indicate a photo inhibitory
stress [20-22]. In addition, the amount of chlorophyll content present in
plants, gives an indirect estimation of the nutrient status of the plants
because much of the leaf nitrogen is incorporated in chlorophylls [23].
Furthermore, leaf chlorophyll concentration is strongly associated to plant
stress and senescence [16].
Conventionally, the methods used
to estimate the photosynthetic pigment in laboratory as suggested by Porra et
al. [24] and Wellburn [25], are based on extraction of pigments from the plants
followed by estimation using spectrophotometry. Essentially, these methods are
destructive in nature, time consuming, requiring specific equipment’s and
solvents which are toxic to human health and environments. Moreover, the
methods are not applicable in the conditions, under which researchers want to
retain the whole plant as such.
Therefore, non-invasive,
inexpensive and rapid methods of
The Soil-Plant Analyses Development (SPAD) unit of Minolta Camera Co. built up
the SPAD-502 chlorophyll meter (Minolta Camera Co., Osaka, Japan). It is a portable, hand-held, light weight,
self-calibrating device used to calculate the amount of chlorophyll
non-destructively in plant leaves [35]. It is
widely used for the rapid, accurate and non-destructive measurement of
leaf photosynthetic pigments. It is being employed extensively in research as
well as for agricultural applications with a range of different plant species.
Markwell et al. [27] described the physical principles
and equations on which the functioning of the SPAD Chl meter was based. In
brief, this device measures the transmittance of light by leaves at two
different wavelengths: red (650-660 nm) and near-infrared (930-940 nm). Red
light is absorbed by chlorophylls and its absorption is associated with the
chlorophyll content. The peak absorbance areas of chlorophyll are in blue and
red regions. The wavelength ranges chosen to be used for measurements are the
red area where chlorophylls a and b absorbance is high and
unaffected by carotenoids (Chlorophyll Meter SPAD-502Plus; Instruction Manual
2009). Near-infrared absorption is used as a “reference value” for adjusting
the differences in leaf structure. However, the values given by the chlorophyll
meter are in SPAD units which have to be converted into physiological units
(pigment concentration: mg g–1 fresh weight
or dry weight and pigment content: mg m–2). Thus, the calibration curve between the chlorophyll
meter readings and chlorophyll content determined with an extraction method
should be generated before an attempt to assess physiological responses of
plants to environmental factors.
Kumar and
Sharma [36] using 468 contrasting wheat genotypes established the relationship
between the SPAD-502Plus meter readings and the leaf photosynthetic pigments
content estimated using spectrophotometer. Wide range of variability was
recorded in these genotypes for SPAD values and for amount of different
photosynthetic pigments. The SPAD values ranged from 21.0 to 54.7 with mean value of 44.09. The photosynthetic pigments
content (mg g-1 FW) (Chla (varied from 0.0893 to 4.0279
with mean value of 2.119), Chlb (ranged from 0.0144 to 1.3825 with
mean value of 0.573), total chlorophylls (varied from 0.1037 to 4.458 with mean
value of 2.693) and total carotenoids (varied from 0.0204 to 0.9889 with mean
value of 0.499)). The chlorophylls and carotenoids
contents in wheat leaf were found to be significantly correlated with the SPAD
value measured using the Chlorophyll meter SPAD-502Plus, as exhibited in Figures 1-4. The linear regression was
found to be significant in sorghum [37] and Malus domestica Borkh [38]
and some other tree species [39].
SPAD 502Plus readings have been found significantly
associated with laboratory estimated
Chla content in diverse wheat genotypes because in both the
techniques chlorophyll absorption property is used for chlorophyll measurement [27,36,40,41]. These research
workers also reported that SPAD-502 meter gives differing prediction responses
for different plant species, the calibration lines found species specific.
Therefore, calibration models demand individual regression for particular
Kumar and
Sharma [36] depicted the relationship between the chlorophyll readings from
SPAD and the Chla contents in linear model (Chla=0.0690 ×
SPAD Value - 1.082) and an R2 value of 0.302** (n=468) was obtained
for SPAD chlorophyll meter, as depicted in Figure
1. Similarly, measured SPAD values were found to be significantly
associated with Chlb content in diverse wheat genotypes. Other
workers [27,40,41] also reported similar findings. Figure 2 shows the association between the SPAD values noted and
the Chlb content obtained in wheat leaves. The association between
the SPAD values and the estimated contents of Chlb was fit in linear
model (Chlb=0.021 × SPAD Value - 0.396), and an R2 value
of 0.240** (n=468) was obtained for SPAD chlorophyll meter by Kumar and Sharma
[36] as shown in Figure 2.
research workers like Brito et al. [40]
and Shah et al. [41] also reported similar findings. The correlation
between the SPAD values and the content of total chlorophyll was fit in linear
model (Total chlorophyll=0.090 × SPAD Value - 1.477) and an R2 value
of 0.332** (n=468) was obtained by Kumar and Sharma [36] (Figure 3).
relationship between the SPAD values and the contents of total carotenoids was
also found fit in linear model (Total Carotenoids=0.013 × SPAD Value - 0.074),
and an R2 value of 0.147** (n=468) was obtained for SPAD chlorophyll
meter by Kumar and Sharma [36] as depicted in Figure 4. Comparatively lesser R2 value with carotenoids
indicated indirect association of carotenoids with SPAD values. Such association
findings were also reported earlier in cotton [41] and wheat [42]. It gives the impressions that indirect carotenoids
quantification could be obtained with the chlorophyll meter due to the
significant linear relationship between total chlorophyll and carotenoids
content determined spectrophotometrically.
between SPAD-502 readings, the total Chl:Car ratio and the Chl a/b ratio
have been developed in Gossypim hirsutum leaves by Brito et al. [41] and in Sycamore (Acer pseudoplatanus), English Oak (Quercus robur)
and European Beech (Fagus sylvatica) by Percival et al. [13].
Association of SPAD readings with other leaf traits
Usually, non-invasive
techniques for estimating chlorophyll content of foliage have significant
importance to agricultural management operations, predominantly in the area of
precision farming. The scientific interest was verified by Kaufman et al. [42]
showing that chlorophyll content is key parameter with the highest frequency
within investigations of hyper spectral studies carried out in agriculture.
The SPAD meter
was initially developed in Japan to diagnose leaf N status and determine N
fertilizer requirements in crops. Since then, this device was broadly tested in
rice [43,44], wheat [45,46], maize [47-49], cotton [50], tomato [51],
sorghum [37], groundnut [52], tall fescue [53] and
others grown in variable seasons. There have been over 100 publications dealing
with the application of the SPAD meter in predicting foliar chlorophyll or N
status in the last few years alone. With a few exceptions most of the
publications report good utility of the SPAD meter for predicting foliar N
Few studies
indicated that specific leaf area (SLA) and SPAD readings, which are easy to
measure, are also associated with transpiration efficiency [54]. Moreover, both
traits have considerable genetic variation in groundnut [55-58].
general, portable chlorophyll meters, SPAD-502 produced results showed the
association with photosynthetic pigments in their empirical models with ease.
Thus, it may be concluded that SPAD readings allow for a quick determination of
the concentration of photosynthetic pigments in the leaves of crop plants, with
high accuracy and without disintegrated the plant material and avoiding the use
of chemical reagents and extensive laboratory protocols.
The work was supported
by funding from ICAR-IARI, New Delhi in-house project (Grant No.
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