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This study is aimed at evaluating the food
vendor’s practices, proximate analysis of locally prepared vended dishes in
Owerri Municipality of Imo state. Five zones (A, B, C, D and E) were considered
and the foods assessed were cooked spaghetti, cooked beans, cooked rice and
stew. The proximate analysis of the food samples revealed that the mean
moisture content ranged from 59.91% in cooked spaghetti to 89.0% in stew.
Protein content varied from 2.23% in stew to 13.45% in cooked beans, while Fat
varied from 0.13% in cooked rice to 8.02% in stew; Ash ranged from 0.22% in
cooked beans to 0.81% in stew; Carbohydrate ranged from 17.73% in cooked beans
to 36.33% in cooked spaghetti; the Nitrogen Free Extract (NFE) present only in
stew ranged from 0.43% in Zone E to 3.28% in Zone A. It was concluded that
street foods provide a source of affordable nutrients to the majority of the
people especially the low-income group in the developing countries, however,
all the proximate components were within the normal range in the zones.
Keywords: Proximate analysis, Street foods, Imo state, Owerri
Food is one of
the most vital nutrients for the promotion of human health and prevention of
disease. It is also regarded as one of human primary needs besides clothing and
housing. Due to the vital role of food in human existence, it is imperative to
maintain high level of food safety in order to ensure that human being is safe
from diseases or other related health hazards associated with food [1].
Diseases that result from foods are one of the major health problems in
developing and developed countries [2].
A balanced diet
and consumption of food prepared in accordance with good practices are factors
that contribute to maintaining a healthy lifestyle [3].
Nutrients are
consumed through the food that we eat, and via metabolic processes in the
digestive system, these nutrients are absorbed at a cellular level in the body.
Optimum nutrition contributes to health, wellbeing, normal development and high
quality of life. However, malnutrition is linked to suboptimal health outcomes.
Such poor diets have been linked to the occurrence of chronic diseases
including, cardiovascular disease, Type-2 diabetes, cancer, osteoporosis and
anemia [4]. The importance of good diet cannot be overlooked because food and
eating well can make the difference between being alive or dead and being well
or sick. Consuming a healthy diet which is usually obtained from a wide variety
of foods and beverages can be attained with good dietary pattern [5].
prepared foods can be defined as foods and beverages prepared and/or sold by
vendors on the street and in other public places for immediate consumption or
consumption at a later time without further processing or preparation [4].
Conditions of food safety include efforts to avoid contamination from
biological, chemical agents and other substances that can endanger human health
[1]. The American Centres for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reported
that about 77% of food poisoning occurs in restaurants, 20% in homes and 3%
from commercial foods relating to non-compliance with food standards and
secondary pollution [6].
In Owerri,
preparing locally made foods in streets and markets even along the road for
travelers is very common. These food vendors enjoy huge patronage from
different societal classes. Unfortunately, none of these food hawkers or
vendors are licensed or monitored by relevant agencies saddled with the
responsibility of ensuring the safety of our foods. Thus, owing to the manner
and conditions these vendors operate,
there is possibility that some of the
The objective
of the study is to determine proximate analysis of locally prepared dishes sold
by food vendors in Owerri Municipal.
Study area
Municipal Council Area is an urban area with one autonomous community made up
of five (5) indigenous Kindred namely; Umuorroonjo, Amawom, Umuoneeche, Umuodu
and Umuoyima in the order of seniority under the leadership of one paramount
ruler. Owerri Municipal Council covers areas such as World Bank, Aladinma,
Ikenegbu, Prefab, Tetlow, School Road, Wetheral and Douglas. Owerri Municipal
Council is located in the humid tropical ecological zone of Nigeria between
latitudes 5°25’ N and 50°23’ N and longitude 7°2’ E and 149°33’ E of the
Greenwich meridian.
Procurement of materials
The food
samples were procured cross-sectionally from selected food vendors at different
sites in Owerri Municipality of Imo State. The food samples were collected from
each vendor at their respective vending site. Food was carefully transferred
into a transparent polythene bags which were tightened, labeled and transported
on ice to prevent bacterial multiplication during sample transportation to the laboratory
for analysis.
Sample population and selection
The food
vendors in Owerri municipality were used. The locations were grouped into 5
based on the extent of commercial activities taking place in these areas and
their closeness namely; Zone A represents Prefab and Aladinma; Zone B
represents Ikenegbu and Wethdral; Zone C represents Douglas; Zone D represents
Tetlow and School-road; and Zone E represents World Bank. In the selected areas
under Owerri municipal, list of available vendors was carried out within
experimental limit; segregation of vendors based on food items they sold was
done. From the collated list, four (4) common food samples were selected from
each zone.
Collection of food samples
The food
samples were procured from selected food vendors some minutes after food
preparation at the different zones in Owerri municipality of Imo State. The
samples that were collected included; cooked white rice, cooked spaghetti,
cooked beans and stew, an appropriate portion of samples were purchased from each
vendor and aseptically kept separately in a sterile labeled transparent
polythene bags. The collected samples were then transported immediately to the
laboratory within the shortest possible time for analysis according to method
outlined by AOAC; microbial count was done according to International
Commission on Microbiological Specifications for Foods [7].
Data collected
from respondents were entered into Statistical Package for the Social Sciences
(SPSS) version 16.0 software, edited and subsequently used for univariate
analysis. Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) (F-ratio) with the application of honest
significant difference (HSD) was used to obtain the significant differences
among the food samples for both microbial load and proximate analysis data.
Percentage proportions were calculated for discrete variables while the mean
with its standard deviation (SD) were computed for the continuous variable.
Table 1 reveals the
proximate components of cooked rice samples from different food vendors within
Owerri municipal. The proximate components of cooked rice from Zone A were
65.14%, 3.06%, 0.23%, 0.40% and 31.17 for moisture, protein, fat, ash and
carbohydrate, while Zone B were 66.02%, 2.79%, 0.19%, 0.44% and 30.57; Zone C
were 65.91%, 2.92%, 0.34%, 0.32% and 30.51; Zone D were 67.09%, 2.47%, 0.16%,
0.29% and 29.99; Zone E were 64.87%, 2.99%, 0.31%, 0.31% and 31.49 for
moisture, protein, fat, ash and carbohydrate, respectively.
The proximate
components of cooked spaghetti samples from different food vendors within
Owerri municipal is presented in Table 2.
The proximate components of cooked spaghetti from Zone A were 59.91%, 3.40%,
0.57%, 0.24% and 35.88; Zone B are 62.03%, 3.68%, 0.47%, 0.31% and 33.52; Zone
C were 60.46%, 3.03%, 0.38%, 0.29% and 35.84; Zone D were 61.68%, 3.23%, 0.40%,
0.44% and 34.25; Zone E were 60.12%, 2.72%, 0.52%, 0.31% and 36.33 for
moisture, protein, fat, ash and carbohydrate, respectively.
Table 3 presents the
proximate components of cooked beans samples from different food vendors within
Owerri municipal. The proximate components of cooked spaghetti from Zone A were
67.12%, 13.45%, 0.67%, 0.33% and 18.43; Zone B were 68.01%, 11.23%, 0.59%,
0.25% and 19.92; Zone C were 69.01%, 12.04%, 0.61%, 0.22% and 18.14; Zone D
were 68.55%, 12.89%, 0.52%, 0.31% and 17.73; Zone E were 67.68%, 10.78%, 0.63%,
0.26% and 20.66 for moisture, protein, fat, ash and carbohydrate, respectively.
Table 4 reveals the
proximate components of stew samples from different food vendors within Owerri
Municipal. The proximate components of stew sample from Zone A were 87.23%,
2.23%, 6.45%, 0.81% and 3.28%; Zone B were 89.0%, 3.11%, 8.02%, 0.66% and
0.80%; Zone C were 88.11%, 2.88%, 7.83%, 0.75% and 0.43%; Zone D were 85.78%,
3.12%, 8.02%, 0.52% and 2.56%; Zone E were 86.26%, 2.66%, 7.52%, 0.71% and
2.85% for moisture, protein, fat, ash and nitrogen free extract, respectively.
analysis deals with the chemical composition of food and the quality of food is
based on the natural composition, combined nutrients in it, quantity of
anti-nutrients and synergistic or qualitative balance between the nutrient
amino acids. Proximate which comprises ash, moisture, protein (Kjeldahl
protein), fat, fibre and carbohydrate or nitrogen-free extracts (digestible
carbohydrate) which is gotten by difference is one of the methods of
identifying nutrient composition of foods.
Due to
socio-economic changes characterized by increased mobility, resulting in more
locally prepared foods taken outside the home, food vendors services are on the
increase and responsibility for the food safety have been transferred from
individuals/families to the food vendors. These vendors rarely enforce good
manufacturing practices which are linked with gastrointestinal diseases such as
diarrhea and typhoid fever due to poor environmental sanitation which is
largely responsible for much of the contamination and poor personal hygiene
among the food handlers [8].
result on cooked rice samples obtained in Zone D area has the highest moisture
content of 67.09% whilst cooked rice from Zone A area had the lowest value of
moisture (65.14%). According to Mariamu [9] moisture content is a measure of
bio-degradability of food due the action of micro-organisms afforded by water
activity. Correspondingly, the highest (31.49%) and lowest (29.99%) amounts of
carbohydrate contents were estimated in the samples obtained at Zone E and Zone
D areas, respectively. The protein content ranged from 2.47-3.06% whilst the
fat content ranged from 0.16-0.34% and the ash values ranged from 0.29-0.44%.
Cooked rice samples obtained in all the Zones were all found to be rich for its
carbohydrate. The protein, moisture, fat, ash and carbohydrate contents were
significantly (P<0.05) different across the treatments. The moisture content
slightly increased from Zone A to B. This report is consistent with the
observation of Mariamu [9]; Nassar and Sousa [10] who reported low protein
content in cassava. The low level of fat in cooked rice is important because
excess intake of dietary fat has some well-established health implications
especially for the overweight. The consumption of excess amounts of saturated
fats has been recognized as the most important dietary factor aiding increased
level of cholesterol [11].
Results on the
proximate composition of cooked spaghetti samples from different vendors in
Owerri municipal indicated that there were no significant (P>0.05)
differences across the zones for moisture, protein and carbohydrate composition
of cooked spaghetti by different food vendors in the municipal. The results
showed that a large part of cooked spaghetti samples consisted of water and
carbohydrate, the values obtained in this study fell within the normal range
previously reported by Silifat et al. [12] but contrary with the reports of others
on nutrient composition of some foods from a Nigerian eatery.
Results on
cooked beans showed that it has high protein and ash contents of 13.45% and
0.33 % for samples sold in Zone A area. The high protein will enhance the
prevention of low protein intake. The cooked beans samples have a low
carbohydrate (17.73%) because of its protein content. Across the location, there
were significant (P<0.05) differences in the proximate composition of the
collected cooked beans. This result is consistent with the findings of Iwe and
Onuh [13]; Oguntona and Kanye [14] and Oguntona et al. [15] but contrary to the
reports of Alayande et al. [16]. According to Sanchez et al. [17], the
proximate composition of cooked beans showed significant differences due to
varieties, degree of cooking and hardness. Certain researchers also reported
that fats play important role in diet as important energy source, and also aid
the transportation of fat soluble vitamins (A, D, E and K).
The results of
the proximate composition of stew at different locations in Owerri showed that
the stew had high moisture, protein and NFE content but less ash content. The
moisture ranged from 85.78-89.00%, protein ranged from 2.23-3.12%, fat ranged
from 6.45-8.02%, ash content ranged from 0.52-0.81% whilst NFE ranged from
0.43-3.28%. The result also showed that tested stew was low in ash content. In
terms of zones, the highest value of moisture (89.00%), protein (3.12%), fat
(8.02%), ash (0.81%) and NFE (3.28%) contents were found in stew sampled at
zone B, D (B, D), A and A, respectively. These findings are contrary with the
reports of Folasade et al. [18]; Chike et al. [19] and Edidiong et al. [20] but
consistent with the findings of others. Variation in the fat contents of the
stew across the zones might be as a result of different quantities of palm oil
added during its preparation [21,22].
The study shows that majority of the food
vendors in Owerri Municipal were neat and well kept. They use standard
procedures in preparing the foods locally and they used safe water for food
preparations. The vendor’s environments were clean and they keep their
surroundings clean often. The proximate analysis carried out on the food
samples compared favorably with the findings of past works of other
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- Proteomics and Bioinformatics (ISSN:2641-7561)
- Journal of Womens Health and Safety Research (ISSN:2577-1388)
- Journal of Astronomy and Space Research
- Journal of Microbiology and Microbial Infections (ISSN: 2689-7660)
- Journal of Genetics and Cell Biology (ISSN:2639-3360)
- Advances in Nanomedicine and Nanotechnology Research (ISSN: 2688-5476)
- Journal of Genomic Medicine and Pharmacogenomics (ISSN:2474-4670)