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Introduction: Sickle cell disease is a
genetic disease in the world with high prevalence in Sub-Saharan African
countries where the prevalence varies between 20% and 30%. In Côte d’Ivoire,
the prevalence is 12% and 50-75% of children with SCD do not reach their fifth birthday.
Because accurate data on cytokines are lacking
in SCD in our countries, the aim of our study is to evaluate, the serum levels
of MCP-1 and IL-8 in SCD African children.
Patients and methods: Patients were prospectively
enrolled after an informed consent. The patients were assigned in 2 groups,
steady state group and crisis group. Serums were measured by using LEGENDplexTM
Human Inflammation Panel assays.
Results: 22 SCD females (52, 38%) and 20 SCD males
(47.62%) were evaluated in this study. 22 (52.38%) were in crisis, while 20
(47, 62%) were in a steady state condition. This last group represented our
IL-8 was higher in steady state group subjects
compared to crisis subjects (1946 pg/mL + 1384 versus 403.31 pg/mL + 827.67,
p=0.001). For MCP-1, there are no statistical differences between the two
groups. (256.33 pg/mL + 331.11 versus 261.72 pg/mL + 324.27,
p=0.9). A positive slight trend is obtained between the two chemokines in both
patients group.
Conclusion: This study reveals a chronic
permanent inflammatory in children with SCD living in Sub-Saharan area. A
better understanding is essential to the development of a better care and new
therapeutic approaches to reduce the high morbidity and mortality in our area.
Keywords: IL8, CXCL8, MCP-1, CCL2, Sickle cell
disease, Children, Sub-Saharan
Abbreviations: DAMP: Damage Associated
Molecular Pattern; TLR4: Toll-Like Receptor; SCD: Sickle Cell Disease; BMI:
Body Mass Index; Hs CRP: High Sensitivity C Reactive Protein; MCP-1: Monocyte
Chemoatractant Protein 1
Sickle cell disease is the most prevalent
genetic disease in the world with high prevalence in Sub-Saharan African
countries where the prevalence varies between 20% and 30%; it is as high as 45%
in some secluded areas in western Uganda [1]. The number of newborns affected
by sickle cell disease is estimated at 240,000 per year or 0.3 to 25 per 1000
live births with 50-75% who do not reach their fifth birthday [2-4]. In Côte
d’Ivoire, country located in West Africa, the SCD prevalence rate is 12% [5].
As such, SCD is one of the greatest public health treat of all time and
represent a public health
problem. This disease
A better comprehension of the disease
physiopathology in general will help to develop therapeutic approach to improve
the management of the patients.
After the discovery of the abnormality in the
amino sequence of the β globulin chain by Vernon Ingram, in 1956, accumulating
evidence confirm a direct participation of the vascular endothelium with
multifaceted cellular interactions, activating the vaso-occlusion process [7].
The permanently activated immunoinflammatory
status exhibits increased levels of proinflammatory cytokines [8]. In this
course, chemotactic factors have been identified. CXC and CCL chemokines represented
respectively by IL-8 (CXCL-8) and MCP-1 (CCL2) exhibited respectively a
chemotactic activity for neutrophils and for monocytes, macrophages and
lymphocytes [9].
Early detection of inflammatory cytokines
during non-crisis periods could be a useful guide for physicians towards a
significant therapeutic improvement.
This study wishes to evaluate the circulating
levels of monocyte chemoatractant protein-1 (MCP-1) and Interleukin 8 (IL-8) in
SCD among children, their potential role in steady state and in crisis. Also,
the study desires to bring its contribution to the clarification of the in vivo
biological functions of chemokines in the vasoocclusion process.
Study population
This is a prospective case control study with
42 SCD young patients from 4 to 18 years old followed at the Unité
Thérapeutique transfusionnelle located in the Centre National de Transfusion
sanguine in Abidjan, Côte d’Ivoire. It was conducted from October 2016 to
February 2017 after approval from the national ethics board. Informed consents
were obtained from the patients’ parents before the patient was enrolled in
this study.
Patients were divided into two groups:
patient in steady state for the first group and patients admitted for crisis
for the second group. The steady state was defined as a condition without
crisis, illness or infection during the last three months and this group
represents our control versus crisis group.
Documentation of homozygous or heterogynous
sickle cell patients had been determined by hemoglobin electrophoresis on
cellulose acetate strips (pH 9.2).
The vaso-occlusive crisis (VOC) patients were
admitted to the unit and those who were non-symptomatic, steady state sickle
cell patients coming at the unit for a routine checkup. Vaso-occlusive crisis
(VOC) was defined as an episode of diffuse acute pain with infection or anemia,
necessitating hospital admission and or analgesic administration. Clinical
investigations were assessed by hematology specialist. Chemokines levels were
compared in steady state patients and VOC patients according to sex, gender,
hemoglobin profile, hematological parameters and body mass index. All subjects
were coming from West African countries (Nigeria, Togo, Ghana, Mali and Guinea)
but most from Côte d’Ivoire.
Chemokines assays
Blood sample were collected by veinopuncture
in EDTA for the determination of the basic hematological indices and for the
cytokine assay.
Blood count was obtained with an automated
hematological cell counter (Sysmex XN 550 Hematology analyzer). The plasma was
separated from the tube sample at 1000 g at 4°C for 10 min and stored at -30°C
for chemokines assays.
Prior to use, the samples were thawed
completely, mixed and centrifuged.
Plasma samples were measured by using
BioLegend’s LEGENDplexTM Human Inflammation Panel assays which is
bead-based immunoassays, using fluorescence encoded beads. This panel allows
simultaneous quantification of many human inflammatory cytokines and chemokines,
but in this study we focused on chemokines MCP-1 (CCL2) and IL-8(CXCL8). The
assay was performing using a filter plate in BioLegend’s laboratory in San
Diego, US. All samples were analyzed on the same day after being thawed.
All samples were run and analyzed on the same
day after being thawed completely. A minimum of 3000 positive beads for these
chemokines was acquired with a cytometer type BD FACSCalibur™. Manufactured
supplied controls were used. The assay sensitivity for IL-8(CXCL8) and MCP-1 (CCL2)
were respectively 1 pg/mL and 1.1 pg/mL, the intra assay precision and inter-precision
ranged from 5-9% for IL-8 and MCP-1.
Data analysis was done using LEGENDplexTM
Data Analysis Software when data acquisition is completed. The measurement
ranges for MCP-1 and IL-8 was 0 to 10000 pg/mL
All results are expressed as mean+/-SD. Data
were analyzed using SPSS version 22.0 program (SPSS Inc., Chicago, Illinois,
USA). Statistical results with a P value ≤ 0.05 were significant. We used the
Levene Test on equal variances. For the comparison of means, we used Student
test when there was an equality of variances and either Man Whitney U test or
Kruskal-Wallis when there was no equality of the variances.
General characteristics of study subjects and circulating levels of
Demographics characteristics of the patients
are summarized in Table 1. Data are reported as means (minimum and
maximum) ± SD.
42 SCD young patients (23 HbSS homozygous
type, 11 Sβ+ Thal heterozygous type and 8 βThal homozygous type) from 4-18
years, attending the Unité de Thérapeutique transfusionnelle located within the
Centre National de Transfusion Sanguine in Abidjan, were enrolled in this
cross-sectional study.
22 SCD females (52, 38%) and 20 SCD males (47.62%) were evaluated in this study. 22 (52.38%) were in crisis, while 20 (47, 62%) were in a steady state condition. This last group represented our controls. The “healthy” group was constituted of 20 controls with 7 males and 13 females and mean age 12 years +/-3.8. The crisis group was constituted of 22 patients with 9 females and 13 males and the mean age 9 years +/-4.08 (Table 2).
levels of IL-8 and MCP-1
7 SCD patients with crisis (31.81%) have IL-8
levels under 10pg/mL and among them 3 have undetectable levels.
IL-8 was higher in steady state group
subjects compared to crisis subjects (1946 pg/mL + 1384 versus 403.31
pg/mL + 827.67, p=0.001). For MCP-1, there are no statistical
differences between the two groups. (256.33 pg/mL + 331.11 versus 261.72
pg/mL + 324.27, p=0.9) (Table 3).
When it comes to the hemoglobin type,
circulating levels of Il-8 and MCP-1 are higher in AFA2 patients followed by
SSFA2 and SFA2 patients (Table 4).
Relationship between chemokines levels and variables
IL-8 and MCP-1 plasma levels were not
correlated respectively with neutrophils count and monocytes count (r2=0.031,
r2=0.001) (Figures 1A and 1B). Relationship between the BMI
(Body mass Index) and plasma levels was determined by a regression analysis. Figure
1C shows no -correlation of the BMI and the levels of chemokines. (r2=0.028
for IL-8 and 0.02 for MCP-1). On the other hand, a positive slight trend is
obtained between the two chemokines in both patients group (r2=0.14).
A positive correlation was found for both chemokines according to age in the
steady state group (spearman 0.55 for IL-8 and 0.60 for MCP-1 (Table 2).
The role of IL-8 and MCP-1 were evaluated in
SCD patients. Of our young SCD patients, 22 (52.38%) were in crisis, and 20
(47.62%) were in a steady state status and represent our controls.
Circulating IL-8 levels were higher in steady
state compared to crisis patients (1946 pg/mL + 1384 versus 403.31 pg/mL
+ 827.67, p=0.001). Among the SCD, the highest plasma levels of IL-8
were obtained with SAFA2 hemoglobin type (Sβ+Thalassemia). This may suggest
that IL-8 could be used as a prescreening crisis biomarker as it is in other
pathology [10] but this study cannot draw any definitive conclusion at this
The plasma levels of IL-8 were almost five-fold lower in patients with
crisis than in controls.(p=0.001) Pathare demonstrated a progressive rise
between controls, no crisis and crisis patients however no significative
difference was observed [11]. Others studies show low circulating levels of
IL-8 in SCD patients with crisis associated with infection and dehydratation
[12,13]. In less developed countries, infections and micronutrients
deficiencies especially zinc represent a significant factor of mortality and
morbidity [14]. Most people living with
sickle cell disease in Africa have a clinical course more severe because of
infectious, and a limited management of the disease [15]. Even during steady
state, levels of chemokines were increased in plasma but these levels were
higher in vasoocclusive state [16-19]. To explain low IL-8 levels in some VOC
patients, the authors think that genetic background involvement should play an
important role in association with specific crisis inducing factors [16].
Recently, a novel theory that the intestinal microbiota should trigger VOC has been proposed. Depletion in intestinal microbiota may reduce the number of circulating aged neutrophiles and improves pathogenesis and inflammation [20].
Much evidence indicates that inflammation is
a key factor in SCD physiopathology [21]. Hemolysis releases erythroid DAMP
molecules which can trigger a sterile inflammatory reaction involving TLR4
activation and stimulates neutrophils to release NETs and activate immune
response [22].
The production of IL8 during acute chest
syndrome may increase sickle erythrocytes adhesion, neutrophil activation
leading to organ damage and lung fibrosis, increasing risks of mortality and stroke
in SCD [23].
According to Goncalves [16], the deep
knowledge of kinetic chemokines is important to understand how the levels
increase or decrease before or after the crisis.
Another aspect should be taken in account. A
conflict may exist between the level in the blood and the level in the tissue
where the inflammatory response is present and a small level in blood may
result in higher level locally. Tam et al. [24] hypothesis that the systemic
may underestimate the concentrations at a local level. Therefore our results
should also be interpreted with finesse and further studies should take in
consideration both local and systemic aspects.
Several vasodilating mediators and leukocyte
chemotactic factors are produced at the site of injury and these mediators
synergistically induce vasodilatation and recruitment of leukocytes, thereby
establishing inflammatory reactions [21,25]. Neutrophil infiltration into inflammatory
sites is one of the hallmarks of acute inflammation. High leucocytes count is
present in chronic inflammation because of extravasation of plasma [26].
In our patients, high leucocytes and
neutrophils count in particular was detected and showed increased circulating
levels. White blood cells (WBC) mean and neutrophils mean count did not differ
statistically between those with lower levels (˂15 pg/mL) of IL-8 (WBC:
12833+/-4599, neutrophils: 4806.31+/-3296.56) and high levels (WBC:
13109.37+/-4370.30, neutrophils: 6052.32+/-2520). WBC count did not differ
according to the type of hemoglobin.
Leukocytosis is almost constant in SCD
patients even in steady state patients and predicts for stroke, acute chest
syndrome and overall mortality.
High leucocytes count is a factor of
morbidity [7,27] because there are present in post-capillary veinules and slow
down the circulation initiating vaso-occlusive crisis (4).
We did not test CRP in our patients but many
datas are in favor of association of VOC frequency and increased level of Hs
CRP support the need of testing CRP in VOC follow up [28]. Baseline hemolytic
activity is correlated with inflammation and this is materialized with an
inverse correlation between Hb level and Hs CRP level [8].
We also investigated the association between
levels of selected chemokines in our study and Body Mass Index (BMI). Patients
were classified in three groups: patients with overweight (19.05%), patients
with underweight (42.86%) and patients with normal BMI (38.10%). Chemokines
were not significantly different between normal weight, overweight and
underweight and the levels of cytokines IL-8 and MCP-1 were not correlated with
In contrast [29,30], IL-8 was lower in
overweight group compared to underweight and normal BMI. Obesity does not exist
among our sickle cell African patients.
Our study has some limits. Due to lack of
financial aspect, small number of patients was enrolled. The challenge in the
future for a better care of SCD patients in crisis is important but before
crisis is better. This information’s need to be checked in larger cohorts to
confirm our findings.
The physiological role of cytokines in SCD is
well established. However, poor data are available for children born with SCD
in Sub-Saharan where the disease is endemic and environmental aspects
different. Our data demonstrated that the levels of IL-8 and MCP-1 were
significantly higher in steady state subjects compared with those in crisis and
IL-8 was positively related to the levels of MCP-1 in subjects, supporting the
idea that these chemokines are both implicated in inflammatory process in SCD.
Further investigations for a better
understanding of this disease need to be conducted monitoring the levels of
chemokines in a more consistent group. These biomarkers may be helpful for
phenotyping SCD patients for both research and therapy.
The authors declare that they have no
conflict of interests.
The authors thank Biolegend staff in San
Diego and especially Dr. Ji Shaoquan and Sun Binggang for having promptly
accepted me in their laboratory for hands on training and graciously offered me
the quantities of reagents needed for my work.
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- International Journal of Clinical Case Studies and Reports (ISSN:2641-5771)
- Oncology Clinics and Research (ISSN: 2643-055X)
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- International Journal of Anaesthesia and Research (ISSN:2641-399X)
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- Journal of Renal Transplantation Science (ISSN:2640-0847)