Editorial Board

Prof. Myung-Hwan Cho, Ph.D, MPA

Prof. Myung-Hwan Cho, Ph.D, MPA
Biological Sciences
Konkuk University
South Korea

Biography :

Dr. Cho is Professor of Biological Sciences of Konkuk University in Seoul, South Korea and Adjunct Professor of Biology and American Government at University of Maryland University College in Adelphi, Maryland. He also currently is President of AIDS Society of Asia and the Pacific. He holds a Ph.D in Microbiology and Immunology from the University of Arizona and a master’s degree in Public Administration from Harvard Kennedy School. Prof. Cho’s work spans three platforms which include biotechnology, public health advocacy, and entrepreneurship-innovation sustainability. He was a visiting scholar at Stanford University where he worked, alongside Prof. Thomas Merigan and Nobel Laureate Baruch Blumberg, on HIV drug resistance at the Center for AIDS Research. Prof. Cho served as President for the AIDS Society of Asia and the Pacific (2005-2009), endeavoring towards decreasing the impact of the AIDS epidemic in the region. He successfully completed the International Congress on AIDS in Asia and the Pacific in Sri Lanka in 2007, in Indonesia in 2009 and in South Korea in 2011. Prof. Cho co-authored ‘AIDS: Taking a Long-Term view’, with Dr. Peter Piot and the 2031 AIDS Consortium. He was an independent steering committee member of UNITAID, a global health initiative to end the world's tuberculosis, HIV/AIDS and malaria epidemics. He has also demonstrated expertise in entrepreneurship in the biotech industry.

Research Interest :

His research and humanitarian contribution have been duly acknowledged. Prof. Cho is recognized as ‘International Scientist of the Year’ (2006, International Biographical Centre, Cambridge, England), Best Teacher of the Year’ (2007, 2015, Konkuk University), ‘Man of the Year representing Asia’ (2009, American Biographical Institute, USA), ‘Man of the Year in Public Health (2004, 2011, Ministry of Health/Well-Fare), “Leading Innovator of the Year’ (2011, Newsmaker), ‘500 People leading Korea Economy’ (2013, Daily Economy News Paper), 'The Korea Creative Management Grand Prize Award (2013, The Economy CEO-The National Assembly), 'Man of the Year in Public Service' (2016, The Korea 4.19 Freedom-Peace Foundation), and 'The 2016 Global Faculty Award' (University of Maryland University College, USA).