Editorial Board

Dr. Qisheng Tu, PhD

Dr. Qisheng Tu, PhD
Associate Professor
Department of Periodontology, Division of Oral Biology
Tufts University School of Dental Medicine

Biography :

Book Chapters Tu, Q and Chen, J. Transplanted bone marrow stromal cells and bone tissue regeneration. In: Stem Cells and Bone Tissue. Ed: Victor R Preedy. Science Publishers. 2013. Tu Q, Tang J, Jaro Sodek J and Chen J. Effect of Osterix on Osteoblastic Differentiation of Bone MarrowStromal cells. In: Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on the Chemistry and Biology of Mineralized Tissues. Ed: W.J. Landis and J. Sodek. University of Toronto Press, 2005. Tu, Q. and Ye, SD.: Protective effects of amiloride on myocardial reperfusion injury in isolated guinea pig hearts. In: Practice and Research in Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery and Extracorporeal Circulation. (Chief editors: Su Hongxi, Sun Yanqing and Utley Joe R), Beijing World Publishing Corporation. P636-641, 1996.

Research Interest :

o Gene expression and regulation in bone formation and tooth development using mouse transgenic and conditional knockout models o Bone formation related to periodontal regeneration and tissue engineering o Understanding the mechanisms and developing therapeutic strategies for treating dental and bone disorders associated with systemic diseases o Application of nano-materials together with transcription factors, cytokinies, noncoding RNAs and hormones to facilitate tissue engineering and regeneration o Osseointegration of implants o Epigenetics of dental and craniofacial diseases o Bone energy metabolism related to obesity and type 2 diabetes mellitus o Bone metastasis of malignant tumors