Editorial Board

Dr. Zhao Chen, PhD.

Dr. Zhao Chen, PhD.
Western Center for Food Safety, and Department of Population Health and Reproduction
University of California, Davis

Biography :

Dr. Zhao Chen received his PhD’s degree in Microbiology from Clemson University. He received his bachelor’s degree in bioengineering and master’s degree in microbiology from Shandong Agricultural University, China. Dr. Chen’s research interests are food microbiology, food safety, and food quality. Within these domains, he has investigated various topics, such as survival, detection, and inactivation of human pathogens and food spoilage microorganisms, mathematical modeling and predictive microbiology, postharvest biology and technology, and prolonging shelf-life of foods. Dr. Chen is the author and coauthor of many abstracts, peer-reviewed articles, and book chapters. His research has appeared in several leading journals, such as Applied and Environmental Microbiology, Postharvest Biology and Technology, Foodborne Pathogens and Disease, and Journal of Food Protection. He serves on several editorial boards, such as Frontiers in Microbiology and LWT - Food Science and Technology. He also serves as active reviewers for more than 50 international journals, such as Applied and Environmental Microbiology, Frontiers in Microbiology, Food Microbiology, International Journal of Food Microbiology, Food Control, LWT - Food Science and Technology, Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, and Food and Bioprocess Technology. He is a member of the International Association for Food Protection. Dr. Chen has received several awards, such as Clemson University Distinguished Graduate Fellowship, Travel Grant Award for the 4th CPS Produce Research Symposium, and National Assistantship for Undergraduate of China. His research has featured widely in several public media, including Ecology, Environment & Conservation, Life Science Weekly, China Weekly News, Agriculture Week, Science Letter, and Health and Medicine Week.

Research Interest :

Survival, detection, and inactivation of foodborne pathogens and food spoilage microorganisms Mathematical modelling and predictive microbiology Postharvest biology and technology Prolonging the shelf-life of foods