Editorial Board

Prof. Rodrigo R Resende

Prof. Rodrigo R Resende
President Brazilian Society of Cell Signaling
President Nanocell Institute
President Nanocell Institute

Biography :

Holds a degree in Biological Sciences and Pharmacy, in addition to specialization in Clinical Analysis by the Federal University. He holds a PhD in biochemistry (IQ-USP), holds a postdoctoral degree in biophysics and another in physics in the application and production of nanomaterials for nanobiotechnology. Has H 32 factor, google school, experience in the field of General Biology, with emphasis on Neurosciences, Nanobiotechnology, Stem Cells, Calcium Signaling, Tissue Engineering, Molecular Biology, Nanocircuits and Neural Networks. He is currently an associate professor in the Department of Biochemistry and Immunology at ICB / UFMG. Advisor to the Graduate Program in Biochemistry and Immunology (Capes 7) and PG in Cell Biology (Capes 6) and PG in Bioinformatics (Capes 7). Co-founder and founder of the master's degree in Biotechnology at UFSJ-CCO. Scientific Editor of Cell Communication and Signaling (FI 5.5), Associate Editor Frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology, World Journal of Cell Stem Cells, Calcium Signaling, Current Pharmaceutical Design, Seminars in Cell and Developmental Biology (6.6) and others. Founder and creator of the Nanocell News Scientific Newspaper with more than 300 thousand subscribers, 1 MILLION of accesses MONTH, http://www.institutonanocell.org.br/ and more than 40 thousand and 18 thousand followers in Facebook in two pages. He is the author of more than 300 articles of this newspaper, according to its norms. Founder with 46 other scientists from around the world (President of the first board) of the Brazilian Society of Cellular Signaling (SBSC).

Research Interest :

Cell Stem Cells, Calcium Signaling, Current Pharmaceutical Design, Cell and Developmental Biology.